Lol, i seen this. I loled agian. Mainly because the one guy with the flute dosnt know jackshiznit about how long Ireland has been Ireland, and the fact that it looks like some pvc pipe.
Wow, the black saying that his great grandfather was Irish is priceless. Also the sheer stupidity of everyone in that report ceases to amaze me. Wow.
What? This is just stupid, yes we all know that slavery was stupid. But is that really necessary to bring up, no! Pertaining to the video, it made me laugh. Especially the sketch of the leprechaun. And the Irish descendant, could have fooled me.
ya well reading the youtube posts just pissed me off, those idiots dont know anything o and: ( yay black people!!! )
It's actually a connecting piece to scaffolding. For some reason it's referred to as a 'bull prick'. That was ridiculously funny. Did that come off The Onion site or is that from a real newscast?
Not sure. Dont think so. Also anyone who construed my post as anything pertaining to racism or slavery is clearly a complete ****ing idiot... although the african americans in this video do support their stereotypes.
hahah y do ppl speak ebonix i dont no what that lady in the car was saying something about a lepercon. i hope she know its spelled leprechaun now this is more proof of a leprechaun [youtube][/youtube]