Yes, it has been announced Bungie and Microsoft Game Studios have said that they are working on the Halo Trilogy but with 100% more blocks. JUst like the lego Star Wars series bungie thinks that their trilogy is good enough to be made inot lego Most of the game will be in thrid person view but 10% will be in first person the one we know and love <3 Also you wont just play as the Master Cheif you we be playing as mutiple characters during the campaign, and yes you beter be expecting Avery.J.Johnson of course the Arbiter and maybe Cortana. But this doesn't mean that there wont be any new characters though. As said in EGM in one bonus level the Master Cheif will be battling the Covenant with Burt-041, brother of Kurt-051 from the Ghosts of Onyx novel. They started working on this project just after Halo 3 hit the shelves. You will be able to play all three games in blocks! (dont believe me buy the newest EGM) (electronic gaming monthly) -Keeganno
THIS IS AN APRIL FOOLS JOKE!!!!! There are no Halo lego sets, therefore no LEGO HALO!!! ..... People just don't get April Fools anymore.
wow, man get with the times read EGM its all true and if you think its a joke go on bungie and talk about on the forum. jeez ITS NOT AN APRIL FOOL'S JOKE
Think about it .... what issue of EGM is it? did you see the fuss on HBO about it? It's an April Fool's joke. No Lego Halo without Halo Lego sets pure and simple.
Yes it is. The current Lego team, the only ones licensed to use that franchise, are working on Lego Indiana Jones. As such it is legally very improbable and also makes no sense from a marketing point of view. APRIL FOOLS!!!
They are also working on Lego Batman ..... but what do all of these games have in common? Oh wait they are all based off of existing Lego sets ... case closed.
Electronic Gaming Monthly (EMG) April 2008 Issue 227 Newest EMG, Page 26.. Preview: Exclusive First Look
A lego Halo game would be awesome. It's not happening however atm. I don't mean to rain on anyone's parade, I just hate when people don't research or think about things before they post them. I'm sorry I'm an ass.
just because this is a april fool doesnt mean that a lego halo will never exist i mean its a cool idea that sshould be considered. i know i would enjoy it.
Common sense says that they would definately come first. Especially since all the other games are based off of existing themes.
I heard about this from one of my writers for the gaming paper I run, but I didn't think people would actually fall for it .
No. They wouldn't. Halo is an M rated game, known for it's blood, gore, and violence. Legos are supposed to be associated with fun, family values, and building things. The only overlap is forge. And it would need to be a very cold day in hell indeed before Lego seeks to acquire the rights to make Halego sets. But others have done it, I've seen particularly spiffy lego Ghosts and Hunters.
so somebody else has seen the EGM page on it..,. are you with me man cause i could use some back up everyone is against me