Legitemacy . Legitemacy supports 4-8 players and Slayer, 1 flag, 1 bomb, or Koth. I've spent a lot of time on this map, mostly procrastination though. It is an asymmetric beauty, the forging is pretty clean but the gameplay is incredible! The attackers spawn in an isolated part of the map, from their they basically have to choices, left or right. If they go left they will be in a place a call the "pit," the overshield spawns here. If they go right they will go under the sniper bunker and stealth their way to capture the flag or plant the bomb MLG versions of gametypes are preferred. MLG Gameplay: MLG TS: Team slayer on Legitemacy is one of the three preferred gametypes. Both sides are perfectly balanced and it plays very well. 1 Bomb: 1 bomb on this map is the second preferred gametype. I built this map with 1 bomb/flag close at mind. The defenders main job is to hold the bridge stairs. A good tactic is to have 2-3 people in the defenders bunker with some br's and maybe the sniper. 1 Flag: Same as 1 bomb except I advise that the defenders try to hold the neutral bunker. Koth: I was on the edge deciding if I wanted to set up koth or not. Then I decided it might work well. 3 hills, one in the neutral bunker, one in the pit, and one in the center structure. The map has one sniper, around ten BRs, 2 Carbines, a 2 shot rocket, a mauler, an overshield, and an almost unreachable custom power up, you'll have to buddy jump. Pics Attackers spawn: Other side of attackers spawn: Pit: Lift up to neutral bunker+ under bunker room: Neutral bunker: Middle: Bridge stairs/ defenders base: Defenders bunker at the top of the bridge stairs: Overview one: Overview 2: Download:Legitemacy Created by:
I like this map. It's different from other maps I've been seeing lately. One thing though, a couple of areas are a little crooked. Maybe just adjust somethings here and there... idk. 3.75/5 Love the bridge stairs as you call them
The map itself looks pretty good although "Defenders bunker at the top of the bridge stairs" looks a little sloppy, and could be staightened up. For the fact that its mlg you need to be aware of the rules for making a mlg map. For yours you have crates, forklifts,un-stationary barriers, and trucks laying around and all of those are non-mlg. As for the gametypes 1-f;ag, and 1-bomb are not mlg either so youll have to take those out if you want ths map to be considered mlg. And lastly you have an overshield and a custom powerup. In mlg the custom powerup is the overshields so you should probaly replace the actual overshields with a custom powerup, and remove the custom powerup that you have to "buddy-jump" to get to. But other than that it looks like you took a lot of time to make this map good. And it is good, so just keep in-mind what i told you and your next version will be pretty good in terms of it playing and supporting an actual mlg game. EDIT: i also just noticed that you have fusion coils, propane tanks, and a gravlift in the map youll need to tke those out. And for the gravlift you could just geomerge into the ground so that its indestructable and wont be bothersome while in a game.