Legion of the Undead

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Speed-e-cake, Oct 3, 2008.


Do you think Bungie should change the Living Dead?

  1. Yes, less Speed Deamons and Braains.

    7 vote(s)
  2. Yes, less Save One Bullet.

    0 vote(s)
  3. Yes, less Creeping Death/Rockets.

    6 vote(s)
  4. No, I think it's fine the way it is.

    1 vote(s)
  1. Speed-e-cake

    Speed-e-cake Ancient
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    Legion of the Undead group is all about people who enjoy playing infection fairly, zombies with shields, most notably. Our goal is to see that Bungie could perhaps change the Living Dead Double EXP Weekend back to it's roots, less Speed Demons, more Save One Bullet. The Living Dead Double EXP Weekend has changed a lot since first being a Holiday Hopper, but for the better or the worst?

    To all who love infection like we do there should be no surprise that The Living Dead Double EXP Weekend playlist has become somewhat of a let down, Speed Demons is what I'm addressing mostly. Speed Demons is incredibly unbalanced, especially on larger maps like Avalanche, Valhalla (which were added to Living Dead around August '08) Last Resort and Standoff. With all the turrets, Warthogs and open space on these maps Humans constantly spawn kill and camp with turrets in the most open of areas on the map making it near impossible for the zombies to kill a survivor. I know that some will be thinking, "But no shields and fast zombies is the best! It's so fun and you're just complaining because you're not good at it." Well, I'm far from a "good" Halo player in general but I believe that for infection the zombies need shields, in fact, I would rather shields than double speed and high gravity. Not to mention that in Speed Demons, they armed you with a BR, a Mid to Long range weapon that one head shot could pick you off and with no shields the shotgun has nightmarish range. Braaains is more tolerable than Speed Demons but only when played on small scale maps like Guardian since it promotes close combat and the zombies can simply swarm the humans from every direction to get some kills. I personally think the Living Dead needs to return to it's roots and get rid of Braaains and Speed Demons, Bungie, possibly could add a custom gametype that Speed e cake, REDSHADOW1337, and Darkmaster949 created called Random Bullet, it's just like Save One Bullet but with minor tweaks and random starting weapons instead of the traditional shotty and magnum.

    If you agree with our cause to change the Living Dead, please join us here. Also, some screen shots showing how enjoyable Shielded Zombies can be!

    Haunted Manor is an incredible map for Random Bullet but in Braaains and Speed Demons, spawn killing becomes a problem. With shields Zombies can easily get those pesky Humans on the roof, but if the Humans use team work they can get those who spawn with long range weapons to pick off Zombies before they get too close.

    Swarming can be done with less zombies in Save One Bullet and makes it more serious to stick with a buddy or two.

    Random Bullet Randomness.

    Zombies can use each other as meat shields to get some of those campers.

    I don't know what to say about this one, just thought it was pretty epic.

    Another example of meat shielding.

    Luckiest No-Scope in infection ever, what can you expect from a Random game type other than random kills?

    Epic Swarm. No way anyone can survive this in Save One Bullet.

    It's LIGHTSOUT for the zombies:lol:

    Hiding is a lot like camping, but not as bad if you're alone, and if you suck at it like me since I fell five seconds after chasing a zombie so I could get a point ;)

    Bubonic is pretty fun with the Warthog since when it's in the tunnels it's balance because of all of the debris and scenery.

    Club Dead is also really good even if it has 2 Camos and 2 Overshileds, Humans get the base and zombies get te power ups.

    Somtimes, it pays to be a zombie.

    Thanks for reading, I hope you agree with us and join our group! I also play a lot of Save One Bullet and other Infection matches so if you enjoy it you can join me when ever you want, as long as the party is open or isn't full.
    #1 Speed-e-cake, Oct 3, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2008
    Sam and TheKeebobBobagawa like this.
  2. Dr. Chombie

    Dr. Chombie Ancient
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    ok i know i'm already in the group but some of those screens are epic. like the one where i was about to get mauled by you and 2 other zombies closing in on me. but speed e cake is right. our favorite holiday hopper has taken a turn for the worse. Bungie has added a couple ridiculously terrible gametypes and even a couple bad maps (ghost town one was too campy in my opinion. way unfair)Speed Demons is exceptionally retarded. the xombies have no shields and are vulnerable to one headshot with the BR meanwhile the humans start with a BR and a Shotgun. and the warthogs make it really really unfair for the zombies. whenever i got speed demons on valhalla the match would last at leat 30mins because the humans had the huge advantage. and i know what some of you people are thinking. 'but when i'm the human its fun getting untouchables on the zombies cause its so easy'. what happens when you're the zombie huh? 'oh i'm quitting this is not fair'of coourse this isn't all people.

    also i think brains is way unfair on some of the maps. Haunted Manor for one, but Braaains isnt that bad on some maps like the blackout one(forget what its called) so it would help if maybe they kept braaains but reduced it showing up so much(like maybe 3% of the time or something)

    Now I only made this long thread to support Speed e Cakes group in hopes that bungie will come to their senses and make some changes. that is all

    EDIT:here's my idea of how often the games should show up
    Save 1 Bullet - 68%
    Braaains - 3%
    Creeping Death - 14%
    Creeping Rockets - 15%
    or maybe take braaains out. thats my opinion
  3. BitzDefender

    BitzDefender Ancient
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    Great idea, so basically the goal is too even out infection, with your gametypes? Add LoC x DeFenDeR, I joined your group, too.
    Speed-e-cake likes this.
  4. Speed-e-cake

    Speed-e-cake Ancient
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    RE: Your Brains

    Sort of, it's more like to even out the Living Dead Playlist by removing, adding and increasing weight on gametypes and map variants, more specificly removing Speed Demons and Braaains, adding Random Bullet and increase weight of Save One Bullet. So far our only gametype is Random Bullet but I'm going to try and make more. Also when I get my capture card I'm gonna make a YouTube video explainig our group and showing examples of matches of Save One Bullet and Random Bullet, I already have the perfect song in mind for it, RE: Your Brains by Johnathan Coulton (the guy who wrote "Still Alive").
  5. BitzDefender

    BitzDefender Ancient
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    Why buy one, just go to gamerchiefs.com and they'll capture videos for you.
  6. Speed-e-cake

    Speed-e-cake Ancient
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    IDK, I would rather make my own one for myself, I can edit it myself and make it look more how I would want it to for a video. Also it sounds like fun to make videos :D
  7. BitzDefender

    BitzDefender Ancient
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    No, you put it on your file share, and they record the clip and let you download it, so you can edit it yourself.
  8. Speed-e-cake

    Speed-e-cake Ancient
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    Interesting, maybe I'll try out this "gamerchiefs.com" that you speak of, thanks for joining our cause and I'll see if I can do something with this site.
  9. Krazy Kumquat

    Krazy Kumquat Ancient
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    I personally love Braains (especially on cold storage) but I abhor Speed Demons. I really hate Creeping Death/Rockets. Its one of the worst gametypes out there. It may be balanced but its no fun to be a zombie.

    They should look into different gametypes, why not predator? Or Duck Hunt? Just take the time to find (or make) good maps that go with them. I also think Save one Bullet is a great infection game that never gets enough love.
  10. IVIercinator

    IVIercinator Ancient
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    Hey David just checking to see how the group's doing save one bullet FTW!
    Sam likes this.
  11. TheKeebobBobagawa

    Senior Member

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    very good idea. But you failed to mention a cool game on Avalanche called Zombies on Ice. Me and my friends played some very fun games on it. But I know what you're saying about Haunted Manor, it's very true.
  12. Speed-e-cake

    Speed-e-cake Ancient
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    I actually did mention Zombies on Ice,

    ...for Speed Demons it's probably the worst map of the lot because people spawn killed with the warthog which is even easier in that then Haunted Manor since the ammo is unlimited. I'm not saying that everyone hates the stuff I'm pointing out since for example you said that you enjoyed Zombies on Ice, that that's your opinion and this is mine that a scarce amount of people share. I would have probably enjoyed Zombies on Ice if it wasn't Speed Demons. I see what Bungie is trying to do with Speed Demons, their trying to use the bigger maps for infection but not so that it takes an hour for a zombie to walk across them.
  13. TheKeebobBobagawa

    Senior Member

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    i checked again, couldn't find it, could you quote when you said it?
  14. Something.

    Something. Ancient
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    Cough coughtownshipcough.

    But yeah, shielded zombies is the way to go. Don't cater to the whiny kids.
  15. Juggernaut

    Juggernaut Ancient
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    I'm not sure what you're going for, but when I used to play Halo 2 and play Dawn of the Dead (DotD) we would have it with no shielded zombies, shotguns and magnums at starts, and no weapons on the map. I would enjoy it if things went back to that way. That gametype was epic. I heard about DotD around the same time as Swat, so I was in Halo heaven.

    Now in Halo 3, since they're not shielded, we upped the natural amount of health so they wouldn't be too easy to kill.
  16. Speed-e-cake

    Speed-e-cake Ancient
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    I'm not saying all no shield zombie infection games are bad, I've had memorable moments on maps like Convoy Tunnel, Security Tunnel and Town Ship but those maps are designed so that no shield zombies actually plays fairly because of all the advantages the maps give them i.e. Movable Scenery, Boarding vehicles and Extra speed on Convoy Tunnel, Dropping in from many different spots of the roof in Security Tunnel and Tight spaces, limited ammo and stupidity (like standing too close to the door's barricade) in Town Ship. The maps that Braaains and Speed Demons appear in Matchmaking with, don't help the zombies in any way shape or form. Zombies on Ice, Death Valley, Zombzibar and Dish of Doom are too open, Haunted Manor and Bubonic are to large for Braaains, and Deadlock, Club Dead, Charnel Pit and Overgrown or what ever the Isolation map's called are too campy for no shields.

    Does that mean more damage resistance? If so, no they did not because the Shotgun still kills Zombies one shot from 25 meters away, rather than 5 meters it would have with shields.

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