Legendary Challenge, with Prize

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by jackwalsh20, May 16, 2008.

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  1. jackwalsh20

    jackwalsh20 Ancient
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    Legendary Challenge
    Inspired by the Sarkathalon 2, Created by money360, Tested by Prophet Ind and Onyx_91
    This is a challenge map, containing obstacles and races. Similar to the Sarkathalon 2 Challenge, this is on Avalanche, and has a prize.

    Download The Map
    This map is the mainpoint in the challenge, which you will need to complete the task. You need to get from one side to the other and go through all the 10 Checkpoints. Some involve vehicles, however some involve your mind. The fastest time will win. Some ideas include:
    *If you find yourself walking far, try and find the recently used vehicle
    *The first jump is hard, master that and you can assure yourself a good time
    *If you die, the game ends
    *Vehicles respawn every 20 seconds but you should destroy the vehicle after use for it to come faster.
    *This map has been tested for 5 days with 10 testers. The main two are in the starting credits
    *You do not need to collect the grenades, they are there to help you with grenade jumps
    *The map is possible

    Download The Gametype
    This is a similar get to the checkpoint the fastest gametype, but with a few changes. You must download the gametype. The changes include:

    *Sheilds are lower
    *You die you lose

    Download The Tutorial
    You may choose to download the tutorial. It isn't much of a tutorial, it just shows you were to go. Please do not ask me where to go if you haven't downloaded the tutorial as I will not answer your question.

    The Prize
    I have the 1600 Microsoft points on a redeem card. This reward is fully intended to the winner, and the map is possible as stated before. This will be rewarded to the fastest time at the end of the competition. If you want to win the prize please submit your gamertag and the link of your video from your file share in this post.

    The Competition
    This competition is open from the 5th of May 12.01am PST and closes 25th of May 11.59pm PST. Please submit your times in a film clip.

    The Rules
    *Do not modify the gametype, I will know.
    *Only one player on the map at a time
    *Do not modify the map at ALL. I will know
    *You can have a film clip, only get rid of the beginning though otherwise you will be disqualified

    The Leaderboard
    1. Albino Mexican9/Albino Mexican9 2:21
    2. Kung Pao Kitties/ALittleWeeny 2:53

    Click the blue links to go to those maps
    So to all who play this, have fun and good luck
    #1 jackwalsh20, May 16, 2008
    Last edited: May 16, 2008
  2. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    THis is not the right forum section, PM a mod and request it be moved to Halo discussion, this is for maps, not your little competition.
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