Okay, I love the idea, but it is horribly executed. Half of the time, you don't even play on a new map (I have played on Sandtrap like 3 times.) This really angers me. And other than that, if anyone vetoes a pre-Heroic map (Sandtrap), I have hed it come up as heroic. I mean, isn't it called LEGENDARY Brawl? I really want to play the new maps in it. Granted, it is usually a new map, but the gametypes aren't much fun. I mean, Rockets? That is basically all I have played there. And, one time, we played FFA On Rat's Nest, rendering the vehicles useless. So, I like it and still play it, but I really want some straight up Slayer, shotty snipers on Avalance, or Swords on Blackout... the old maps are annoying me in the LEGENDARY Brawl playlist... What are you impressions guys?
Brawl Snipers on Avalanche. Anyone that has played with me knows that I am horrible with snipers. And everytime I play the Legendary Brawl, that's all I get.
Isn't that a good thing? It gives you an opportunity to improve your snipe. I haven't played this thing because I heard it was garbage and am trying to get my 50 right now.
You could have probably got level 50 in it, it's really easy. It is garbage. I first saw laser tag I was like sweet my favorite weapon. Then I spawned and got sniped and was like WTF this is a snipes game not a laser game. My point is basically the gametypes fail to be even bad, they're horrible. Then the non-legendary maps are stupid. I mean the maps are required to play the playlist ,right?, so why put other stuff in. And I haven't even played Blackout in matchmaking yet because the stupid thing won't give it to me. It would be awsome Juicy Blackout with swords and no starting nades, those makes me angry, with 12 people.
Well, i honestly didnt think it was that bad, you know. I mea, rockets are kind of stupid, but they do have some fun ones. Laser Tag isn't that bad. I've been playing it mostly to finish my achievements. I only need 1 more thanks to Brawl. Steppin' Razor. But apparently, after having played like 20 Brawl games, I'm starting to think they dont have sword matches. Guess I'll have to play lone wolves :<
I really hated the Lazer Tag gametype because I'm poor with both weapons... So yeah, Legendary Brawl was So-So. Avalanche is a great map, but it's hard to get a lot of kills when it's an FFA game...
I like the fresh new variety of gametypes, although the games with snipers usually involve a lot of spawn-deaths. I hate all the noobs asking for help with achievements.
I hated this playlist, too many people for good maps like Blackout, only Avalanche or other BTB maps are suitable.
Really, it's a nice change from everyone playing 'professionally', but they simply aren't that fun. And the reason I can't improve is because: My sensitivity is on 10, because I play much better with anything but scoped weapons on 10. In that gametype, everyone kills me too fast for me to actually learn anything. D=