LeftForDead 2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by wonderin, Feb 3, 2010.

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  1. wonderin

    wonderin Ancient

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    hello fellow forgehubbers... you may not have heard about me before... probably because this is my first map on forgehub.. this map is called l4d on LeftForDead 2

    this map has 5 buildings to defend off from the horde..
    if you are a zombie you can be a common infected (energy sword)
    a boomer (flare)
    smoker (sentinnel beam)
    spitter (firebomb grenades)
    hunter (camo and grav lift)
    tank (custom and gravity hammer)

    the gametype is set to half the people start as zombies however feel free to change this as you wish.

    the zombies must wait 30 seconds for a ramp to spawn pushing a block out of the way allowing them to go through a teleporter

    the humans spawn in the saferoom with sniper rifles, shotguns, br's, a rocket, a turret u must break.. once you get your guns flip the warthog allowing you to leave the room.

    TIP: camping won't always worrk, there are 2+ entrances to every building.

    this is my first map so any tips, criticism, and compliments are appreciated

    here is the video: YouTube- halo 3 - LeftForDead 2

    map: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details

    gametype: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details
  2. Shenanigans.nom

    Shenanigans.nom Ancient
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    Depending on the strength of the humans (which should follow the game accurately, so they should be quite strong) There should be 4 humans. That would make the most sense. The zombies should be weak, yet fast and can see each other with waypoints...as well as human waypoints so you cant hide. The humans should have to work together and they shouldn't have any way points so they cannot tell where their team mates are. I'm also hoping you put in different amount of respawn points and teleporters in each different spawn for the zombies. You should also have a teleport room which all zombies must go to first before entering the play field, and have them marked, so the zombies can coordinate on where to strike.
  3. wonderin

    wonderin Ancient

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    humans are strong,
    zombies have normal shields, run faster and jump higher than humans (not to fast),
    humans have waypoints for zombies,
    and zombies spawn in a random box choosing what they will be that spawn (spitter and smoker are my favourite)
  4. Dirt Jockey

    Dirt Jockey Ancient

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    I like your one building with the ghost merged double walls. Smooth lines. But it seems this map is missing something...
  5. Shenanigans.nom

    Shenanigans.nom Ancient
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    K good strong humans are good... and good that zombies are fast. You should add a teleporter room that all zombies must go through to get into the battle field, all marked according to distance from the spawn... this will replicate the lines the zombies can run up and so the zombies can coordinate. Ok make it so humans cant see zombies and zombies can see other humans but then add in the face that humans cant see other humans...then teamwork would be essential.
  6. wonderin

    wonderin Ancient

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    uhmm you can change the game settings however you want lol i like it how it is
    @dirt jockey i feel the same it is missing something..... just what?
  7. TailsIce44

    TailsIce44 Ancient
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    Okay your saying you can change the settings like you didn't even make a gametype for it and you can make your own.

    Thats really not saying like you made a map almost. Kinda like posting in discussion "Hey guys did you know you could make maps in Halo?"

    Thats a little harsh and i apologize but think about that.

    As for the map. The structures are the balls man i love them much better than my first map damn lol. Great work keep it up man.
    #7 TailsIce44, Feb 4, 2010
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2010
  8. Micr0Snip3

    Micr0Snip3 Ancient
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    It's me MicroSnipe.
    Glad to see you here at ForgeHub!

    On to the map-

    I for one, have played this map and quite enjoyed it!
    You have everything gameplay-wise down pat!
    The weapons are balanced and you have special infected classes.
    Where would your map be without them?
    But now that you have that mastered gameplay get to work on making the map sexy, it's called-
    Ghost Merging.
    Yeah sounds cool right?
    It is.
    Follow the link to learn more about it.


    See you around!

  9. wonderin

    wonderin Ancient

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    yeah micro i noticed it was you (micr0snip3) and there is ghost merging in this map and i knew how to ghost merge the week it was announced. i have also modified the map quite a bit since your last encounter.

    forge with me more im smarter than you think
  10. nate pahlow

    nate pahlow Ancient
    Senior Member

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    could use some more merging but was a descent map.
  11. Organite

    Organite Journalist
    Senior Member

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    What happened to your pictures? Either they dissolved, or My computer's just not loading them.

    Merging is not necessary to make a good map.
    However, While the safe room and the zombie classes do, this map in no other way resembles L4D2.
    There was a lot of decent forging (including merging). I especially like the structure with the stone platforms coming out of it as simple as it is.
    However, something that would show great resemblance to L4D2 would be placing the Teleporters out of human view replicating the idea that the zombies can't spawn in the sight of humans.
  12. a0puncfan

    a0puncfan Ancient

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    this map is terrible in many ways. It looks like you didnt even try to make a good map. WORK ON YOUR MAP DUDE it sux horribley.
    #12 a0puncfan, Apr 30, 2010
    Last edited: May 7, 2010
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