Hey ForgeHub, RoflMatadoRR here with my first post, an Infection map on Foundry. Download Link: http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=26008110 Also be sure to get the required gametype. http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=26007711 Backstory You take the place of a UNSC Marine that has been sent to an old, run-down base to investigate the recent death of other Marines. As you walk out on the balcony, you notice that you men are gone, and that the exits are sealed. You can tell that they've left in a hurry, but why? You're about to find out. Gameplay The humans start out in a base, where they will have to do a number of things in a matter of seconds. The zombies spawn on a floating platform above the map, and will spawn in various places throughout the map (not IN the base itself, however). As a human, you will have to scavange around for different weapons to aid your survival, for you pistol does not supply enough firepower to get the job done (trust me). You may want to get a piece of equipment as well. Also, you may want to consider closing the dumpster door. Destroying the grav-lift there, will spawn another grav-lift next to the Sniper Tower, granting zombies early access to one poor sniper. As a zombie, you want to raid the base and get the humans while they're still getting situated. You will have two options of raid on the base; 1. Go through the busted down entrance. 2. Make your way through the dumpster door. Gametype Zombies -110% damage resistance -no shields -starting weapon, energy sword -forced color black -100% jump Humans -low damage resistance -no shields -starting weapon, magnum -forced color white -low jumping Scoring is normal. Onto the pictures. Note: Keep in mind that the captions correspond to the picture beneath it. Overview Over, Zombie P.O.V. Zombie Start Human Start Lower-Base Overview Upper-Base Overview Upper-Base, Hallway and Forklift Sniper Tower Dumpster Door (Open) Dumpster Door (Closed) Keep in mind closing the Dumpster Door will spawn this grav-lift, giving zombies access to your helpful sniper. Lower-Base, Caved in cieling and Bomb Barricade Busted in Entrance Survivor Camp, comes handy with two firebombs, deployable covers, and a rocket launcher. Tips -don't destroy the fusion coils by the barricade, they can be useful towards your survival. -Assault Rifles are your best friend. -destroy the grav-lift on the Dumpster Door using pistol shots, for they are not as important as other weapons -place the provided trip mine in strategic places near the main entrance (for example, behind the flat door) And guys, please don't tell me that I need more interlocking. Keep in mind that this is an, "Old, run-down base..." This was intentional. That's it for this post. Thanks for viewing, and thanks for any downloads in advance. xAlbinoPenguinx
Hmm this map looks very interesting I like this post, you supplied enouh pics to get a good view on what this map looks like. As for the map, I like the different sculptures throughout the map with interlocking. The only problem would be that the zombies are not supplied enough cover throughout the map. This is very important because spawn killing starts to build up and the game doesnt get fun anymore. Overall This map looks fun to play on good job
well well welll... this map looks really nice n some place like u spent alot of time to make it then... i scroll down a bit n see slopyness lol... really use more merging and interlocking when ever possible not just when u HAVE too.... it makes a good map a good map... but layout looked fair n so did appeal just fix that n it should be a really good map
I'm not exactly sure why the asthetics matter so much. As long as the gameplay is fine, it's a good map to me.
This map looks great i like the dumpster door and how it works and the features such as the caved in roof and the broken through wall overall i would rate this map 4.5/5 it would be 5 if there was more interlocking
this map looks amazing! very clever how you can seal up your base but that means you forsake your sniper! also why are there so many forklifts? ill give it a rating of 4.5/5 bue to the fact that the map is a little slopy...