Left For Dead

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by Ivan itchybum, Jan 20, 2012.

  1. Ivan itchybum

    Ivan itchybum Forerunner

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    Hi all, I made this map a while ago and it's really fun. It's main feature is the lockable houses, above each entrance to a house is a land mine holding a crate you shoot the land mine to knock the crate thus blocking the door,

    Once shot another crate will appear where the old one was, this fully blocks the door. This is how the door way will look when land mine is shot.

    There are five houses for the survivors to seek refuge in from the zombies who spawn at the top corner of the map in a small bunker.

    Every house has a secret entrance giving the zombies an opportunity to breach the houses, with the following house the secret entrance is the chimney which is being discretely covered with a die ;)

    This is the interior to one of the houses.
    And this is the upstairs view

    One house has a garage featuring two shiny warthogs, survivors can make a last ditch effort for escape with these if they want by busting through the garage door!

    And finally the last screenshot I took was of this oddly looking designed house with quite a fun entrance

    I'm aware these screenshots could be better and that I should have shown gameplay but i've just not had the time in recent days! If you've got nothing better to do then I hope you'll download it as I'm sure you'll enjoy it

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