Left 4 Dead Reaches Ultimate Milestone: Parody Porn Congratulations, Valve. You've finally made it to the big leagues. Some enterprising pornographers have parodied Left 4 Dead in a series of fleshy features that gives zombie smut lovers something to watch before bedtime. The first episode, Left 4 Head, features the kind of fare you'd expect: Smoker tongues that aren't tongues and a very hands-on Hunter going after Zooey. Oops, I mean "Poker" and "Groper" special infected going after "Blowie." The follow-up, which according to producers is "a must see for fans of the game or interracial sex," introduces us to the "Splooger" zombie. That shouldn't be too hard to figure out. It also features the XXX version of Louis, the "the tolken [sic] black dude in the game," in a post-rescue gesture that can probably be best described as the opposite of romantic. We can't stress enough how NSFW and adults-only this is. The majority of this post's creation was spent finding a relatively safe screen shot. Seriously, this is straight up "erotic horror" pornography, my fellow adults. But have fun finding it on the internet, you perv. No source because I believe the page has a link to the vid, which would be against forum rules.
First of all, who would even think of this!? I must admit, though, that in a creepy kind of way they were actually very creative with the names and such. Very funny find...hehehe...
Just WTF is this doing here, seriously. You saw it and just had to watch? Funny Name though. and no I didn't watch it.
oh goodness that was one of the most fail attempts at parody porn ive ever seen. i think an anime l4d porn might be good though... you could get more creative. ;]
I think my friend made that porn because whenever we have a 4 co-op game going he always says "Hal, I want you to crouch walk the entire game" because he was Zoey.
You see what video games do to other industries! We must stop playing video games now. Actually, oh god I see a Groper. This is hilarious.
1st- Its porn dude, sorry if you need it... 2nd- Its about zombies.... 3rd- ITS A PORNO ABOUT ZOMBIES!! In closing yes, you will be sickened.
Fair enough. I'll just hypnotize everyone into thinking that i never posted.................. Think i'll steer away from teh whole pornofthedead thing. That was quite clever!..