LEFT 4 DEAD This map is a remake of the survival mode on the left for dead game. there are three entry points to the house. there is also the boiler room that has that window and the open garage. The back wall where the zombies can break through is there, I used radio antennas. ZOMBIES There are only two types of the zombies, the tankers, and the huntersthe tankers have normal shields and the normal infected have none. WEAPONS shotgun 4 BR 3 sniper 1 SMG 2 Whole map Front of house Propane tanks Zombie spawn Tower Outside of boiler room Inside of boiler room Other side of boiler room Extra ramp added Back wall that can be broken through Inside Other side Inside other room Basement extra More basement Hope you all enjoy this map it was fun making it download map: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Download gametype: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details
Looks pretty accurate, I would add a custom powerup for zombies every 120 secs or so to represent Tanks though. The Lighthouse is great and all that I can suggest is that you make the weapons spawn in a heap much like the real L4D survival mode.
Looks pretty great, pretty big aswell. I see a few things that could be fixed, but I dont nag on maps that look great, or have potential. But I will say, I would take down the energy shields out in the middle. Thats just me, although I'm not sure how much health the zombies have.
First off, this map looks really great, and for a L4d original, this would be perfect. You've got all the L4D feels to it. But for a Lighthouse remake, you've got work to do. If you've seen mine, it also needs work, and I'm not going to compare yours to mine, or say mine is better. The lighthouse has different part to it, and the Lighthouse has a spiral staircase, garage, bathroom, different roof design and everything. It is climbed by ladders and doesn't have a big hill for climbing the building, plus it has a platform for the top of the Lighthouse. I'm only saying this if it is a Lighthouse remake, not if it's an original or Lighthouse reimagining. If it is either of those two, then this map definetely deserves a 4.3/5 for great forging, but some emptiness. If it is a remake of Lighthouse, then sorry to say, but despite excellent forging, a 2/5. You could have made the best map in the world, but if it isn't accurate to the actual Lighthouse map, then it just doesn't deserve a rating for that. Otherwise, great map, definetely a download for me. Not saying I don't like it at all, in fact I love it! Just saying it isn't good if it's a Lighthouse remake.
i dont think it is a lighthouse remake but it is inspired by the lighthouse idk. the map looks really really good it is really neat and looks like it plays really nice i like the column forest and the house ist really really good looking. Overall my only problem would be the overshields i would make the zombie spawns a little bit more elaborate if you have enough objects. overall i give it a 4/5 good work keep on forging.