LEFT 4 Dead V2 Created by Cryptic77smg I.N.F.E.C.T.I.O.N: Map Description This is v2 of Left 4 dead i took everyones advice and use more interlocking also i added more safehouse and more secrets.This the 1st version had plenty of places to explore now ive added even more and the map isnt so sloppy.Gametype NO mercy Zombies have no shields they start off with sword humans start off with pistols and no shield regeneration.U must survive for four minutes until rescue.(match ends) _________________________________________________ 1st safehouse [/img] View of the city [/img] 2nd View of the city [/img] 1 of the safehouses [/img] Another safehouse [/img] _________________________________________________ Weapons x2 snipers x1mauler x4shotguns x4smgs x2assualt rifles regenrators trip mines fire bombs plama grenades and more for you to discover!! Download map and gametype here.Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Sets and get 2 SURVIVING!!!
it looks good, but it doesnt look much like a city. looks kinda plain if u ask me. im mean, the layout is good but i dont see anything that "pops" out. and with all the armories i dont think its too much fun for zombies. there are a buncha guides on FH to make a good zombie map. maybe u should look it up ( not trying to sound rude)
Ya I agree with soLo. The armories make it kind of cheap and there are 4 smgs which humans can dominate with when used correctly. Do humans have limited ammo? You should also try and geomerge some of the structures so the maps looks better.
didnt you put the first one out today? if so, MUCH BETTER! interlocking is clean but still way open... 3.5/5
i like your idea of the concept, i have L4D and its an amzing game. it takes what i wanted to do in halo infection and perfected it. really agree with me people... its fun when you can kill lots of zombies easily, buts its annoying to get killed too easily. left 4 dead has coms and human players. im not sure how tough zombies are in your game but just an idea make the game a territories or something so you can actually make it into a point A to point B thing, and try to make it harder to get to the safe house. tell me the weapons are set to never respawn right? hopefully you can make this work because it would be alot of fun. get what im saying? hope you do, I vote 3.5/5 hope this score gose up with gameplay! P.S.- contact me by my LIVE account Obibital and ill help with peices of the map, example an unbreakable door from one side and breakable from another for the safe houses. remember Obibital.