I got Left 4 Dead for Christmas and I have basically fell in love with it. However, expert mode is just kicking our asses, and by us I mean LOCKdownN and me. So, I was wondering if there were some people on ForgeHub who would be interested in teaming up with us to do expert campaigns, and maybe own some people in versus. Any takers?
Aww man. I'd love to play with you guys, but I don't have it yet. I'm receiving it tomorrow, or this week. I kicked ass at expert during the demo, wonder if I can do it as easily in the real game.
Well I'm not quite sure what the hell happened, but expert is much harder in the actual game then it was in the demo (I played demo, it was easy). Also, we are not just doing this at one day or anything, it's just like a group of people to play Left 4 Dead with whenever we can, just so we don't have to play with strangers or bots. So regardless of if you're getting it today or next week, we can still play together. Just leave your GT and I'll send you a FR.
Me, send me an FR. I've been having a hell of a time just trying to pass the first chapter of No mercy!