Well Leapin' on Lily Pads is a casual game I've been working on where the humans are like frogs that hop from lily pad to lily pad, trying to get away from the two zombies. Safe havens go about randomly on the lily pads. But in order to hop the frogs must eat the lotus flowers atop the pads. The flowers only fill them up for 10 seconds. The flowers are custom powerups that let them use their jetpacks
I do like the "holder" for the custom power-ups, looks nice. Maybe you should add a single central grenade launcher with one shot, for EMP purposes. A little resistance is better than none. Just a thought.
Actually looks quite interesting, and not to mention original. I really want to see this when released, but maybe you could invite Next time I get on and we can get a little lobby and play this? Having to do with the map itself, I know it's not possible but I wish you could incorporate the banshees or some kind of other vehicle as the frogs predator. Other than that, the lily pads flowers add quite a nice touch to the overall simpleness of the map and gametype.
Well, the original idea was to use the banshees as the predators, but I've since changed it because I learned that it was impossible for the banshees just to get kills just via splatters. Here's the new plan. I think it'll be simpler and overall more fun.
Bad link? I think melee damage controls splattering so it should work if you reduce the normal damage modifier to zero. Giving frogs grenade launchers would like them grabbing flies with their tongues.
This should work Wow I didnt know that melee damage controlled splatter damage. That would've helped out for alot of my maps.
Frogs = toads Mini-game+frogs=ripoff of toads in the hole! You bastard! But in all srsness, it's a pretty cool idea, I look forward to playing it at some point