Leap frog

Discussion in 'Reach Mini Game Maps' started by Ignition246, Apr 3, 2011.

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  1. Ignition246

    Ignition246 Forerunner

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    Leap frog is a fun new map and gametype, created solely by yours truly, IGNITION246. the game works best with a lot of people. The point is to control the main lily-pad, which changes every minute. Everybody has only one weapon, a gravity hammer, and everybody has about 2000x health, but no shields. Health recharges extremely slowly. The hammers are more to push people away then to kill them, though killing isn't very rare, especially when people fall into the water. The score goes up to 150, which is very easy with multiple layers, but very tiring and painfully boring on 1v1, though possible.

    There are actually two courts, there names were supposed to be different (one was leap frog 2011 court, the other leap frog 2011 death-court) but unfortunately bungie doesnt recognize the difference and calls them both leap frog 2011 court. Both maps are on my file share, and one is on this post. The regular court has a floor, walls, etc, and is more beginner-friendly.

    If this map and gametype goes well, i do plan to start tournaments based on it with prize money of 1600 ms points. Download and play with your friends, it has been called very good by all beta testers so far. Updates and new courts to come.
  2. white creation

    white creation Forerunner

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    Some photo's will be usefull.
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