League of Legend is #1?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Vicious Vice, Jul 11, 2012.

  1. MacoroniMayorTOFU

    MacoroniMayorTOFU Promethean

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    I just started to play League of Legends. I am not a very good player, but I enjoy playing this game because it is all about strategy and teamwork. I am all for teamwork and thinking really hard about your decisionin a game. I am not a big fan of PC games, but I do recommend playing this game.
  2. WWWilliam

    WWWilliam Forerunner

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    Well you see I assumed you had played it because you said "I have never enjoyed mobas" and its weird to say you don't enjoy something you haven't ever done before.

    It wasn't just a random quote assuming you had played a moba/dota/MTD before the quotes meaning is the game is about fighting robots kids and the guy from 300 to death and over 100 other archtypes so thats why you would play it over other mobas/dotas/MTDs.

    And if you hadn't played it saying you can fight robots kids and the guy from 300 to death and over 100 other archtypes and since there has already been summary's of the game in this thread it means "what else needs to be said"

    props on noticing the quote, also AP sivir???
  3. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    It is a tower defense game. I think people are trying to describe many aspects of the game. It's difficult because it is an emerging genre that's hard to describe to someone who hasn't experienced it yet.

    It's akin to an RTS, but you control one character, called champions. So, it's a third person top down perspective like starcraft, warcraft, and diablo are. So, rather than controlling many units, you control one 'hero' unit. If you've ever played Warcraft 3 then you understand exactly how player control, movement works, etc.

    Anyways you play as a champion on a map called summoner's rift which is an inversely symmetrical map with 9 other players. Four of those players are your dumb**** teammates which you must carry to victory.

    But really why play the game? Mostly because each game you play will be different be it because you're playing a different champion and learning the mechanics of that champion or for various other reasons that come the more you play like team comp, your role on the team, and other meta-game choices.

    The game for the most part runs smoothly. Every champ has solid animations and differing game play. It's aesthetically pleasant, which helps with the learning curve immensely. It's also simpler than it's counterparts DOTA 2 and HON. I haven't played them myself, but I've seen them played. HON isn't as refined, but there's more meta-game choices you can make. DOTA 2's graphics are really nice, however, champions aren't visually different.

    Anyways, just try the game for a week it's free.


    The term MOBA is such a shitty definition as it's name doesn't communicate what MOBA games really are. Halo, cod, hell even pariah could be considered a MOBA game. Well parts of them anyways.


    Ziggs is a boss. I recommend watching a player called Reginald. He doesn't have any hard cc, but he's great at zoning in lane, but he's boss at team fights with the amount of peel he has.

    Nidalee is an annoying *****. I will never play her as she's such a cheap shot champ.

    I love mundo in the jungle. I think he's my most reliant jungler or at least the one I can do consistently well with.

    I though skarner would be beast, but I picked him up too late. He's very underwhelming at the level I'm at. Very dependent on his ultimate, which is very counter able.

    Tyrn is a joke at my level. There is no lane he can win, so he's mostly seen in the jungle, which pre-6 is very slow and susceptible to counter-jungling.

    For me:

    Top Lane: Jayce, Singed, Teemo, Kayle, Udyr, Olaf, Warwick, Poppy

    Mid Lane: Brand, Lux, Annie, Ziggs, Twisted Fate, Cassiopeia, Sion

    Jungle: Mundo, Nautilus, Amumu, Fizz, Udyr, Allistar

    AD Carry: Ashe, Ezreal, Vayne, Tristana

    Support: Nunu, Allistar, Janna, Soraka
    #23 rusty eagle, Jul 31, 2012
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2012
  4. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Yeah, Sivir can go AP (it's a tad weird though). I actually didn't mean to put that as AP and instead as who I play mid. (I don't actually play Sivir as AP, I go normal AD on her)
  5. WWWilliam

    WWWilliam Forerunner

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    Finally someone who agrees that MOBA is a HORRIBLE! definition for that exact reason, I call them MTD (multiplayer tower defense)

    actually sivir is a horrible AP only her Q scales off AP for 0.5 and her Q also scales of AD for 1.1 so building pure AP is useless next to pure ad because ad also gains powerful auto attacks and her W. But she can mid as an AD her spell shield helps a lot in mid and I mid as ad all time (Specially since i just got jayce) and its good to see someone else breaking the meta to :D
    #25 WWWilliam, Jul 31, 2012
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2012
  6. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    Really? Mid, I mean it can work as any ad can go mid. Despite her shitty range, spell shield is the only thing that makes it viable. Still though, I wouldn't recommend AD mids simply because they dont snowball as hard as AP's, which you need to carry your mid-game.
  7. WWWilliam

    WWWilliam Forerunner

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    Actually it use to be the norm for AD's to mid and AP to go bot and back then i went mid as Morde which shocked everyone every game now AP is the norm mid. Now AP is norm mid so I go AD mid to shock everyone because I like mixing up the meta game.

    AD's snowball the best "ad carry" is a term for ranged ad champions because late game they do insane amount of constant damage with auto attacks, The reason AP is the norm mid is because there needs to be some AP damage on team and its easiest spot to fit 1 ap champ and mid levels up faster which mages tend to get more damage from leveling up skills more then just buying AP items.

    -Ziggs trip mine is "hard cc" it physically moves a champion and cancels channel ablilitys.
    -Mundo top tier jungler at the moment his pretty OP stay with him.
    -Tryn is pretty much a top laner who has to scrap together all the cs he can get to make it by untill late game where he doesn't die and 2 shots everyone. (and if you can learn him you can stomp most low level games) (and probably should ignore this but i can mid at tryn its a troll pick but can does work and funny to see reactions but unless you know what your doing dont try it lol)
    #27 WWWilliam, Jul 31, 2012
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2012
  8. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Sivir can out sustain any AP mid champion simply because most of them are slow enough to hit with your Q, and you get free mana when they try to harrass you. Only real champs that cockblock her mid are Fizz, Teemo and others that are less of a caster.

    (just because she can build AP doesn't mean I suggest it, I really wouldn't build anything with AP for her other than rageblade.)

    As for some unconventional builds, has anyone tried building AD as Annie or Malzahar? it works really well with both of their kits. Malzahar basically becomes a ability spam-bot, and his voidlings hit like a ****ing truck. Annie just sends paratrooper Tibbers down to stun you and kills you with AA's.

    Your mind = blown

    semi related image:
    #28 Aschur, Jul 31, 2012
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2012
  9. WWWilliam

    WWWilliam Forerunner

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    Tbh i didn't realize malz voilds scaled with ad lol learn something new every day, What you want is jungler tank annie, Her shield+thormail makes people not wanna attack you plus you can go AD or AP and destroy them for no attacking you.

    Any champion with ranged auto attack can build ad. Ive done ad lebanc few times caus her dashs and snares. kennen is the famous ap who can go AD since one tounry someone did it his multiple stuns and speed boost make it a valid choice which will work in competitive games unlike these other builds only work in pub games :p
  10. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I prefer Leblanc with an onhit build rather than AD, since her clones will actually proc onhit effects like malady, black cleaver, and madreds bloodrazor. As for AD Malzahar, he actually works well comepetetively. Quite well in fact, especially after the recent buff to his voidling AI and tether range.
    #30 Aschur, Jul 31, 2012
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2012
  11. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    It all depends on team comp, but most ranged champs, mainly mages aren't suitable for competitive play as ad's. Mostly because they lack steroids or range, but also most ap's attack animations are really slow. I do think that the most viable ap champ to be built ad besides kennen is orianna, especially paired with Janna or Kayle.

    Kennen worked well in their comp because their support roamed and applied pressure to jungle, mid, and top. It's become increasingly apparent that a key strategem for most teams is to snowball top. A fed top laner will almost always beat a fed carry, especially since they can dive past the enemy team with no ****s given.

    I played for the first time in weeks yesterday and it was ugly. I was roped into playing adc with my friends. One of my friends as been playing for a few months and loves to play blitz, but he doesn't quite understand meta-laning. He thinks every grab is a sure kill. By far his weakest matchup is against a support leona because she is such a strong counter initiator. He just doesn't get that you have to play passive as blit and wait for those grabs on enemy ad.

    Then I got to play jungle, cause I was tired of getting face rolled bot and I felt like my other friend who mostly jungles just wasn't up to par. Played Ali, it was glorious.

    Played some ARAMS and I never can seem to win those. Jungle friend called me dumb for stacking dcaps instead of archangels.
  12. A Legit Taco

    A Legit Taco Ancient
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    Veigar, Fizz, Fiddlesticks, Nautilus, and Ziggs. Fizz is amazing for ganking, he makes the distance between an unsuspecting player his *****.
  13. RoboArtist

    RoboArtist Forerunner
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    I play WoW.
    *Oooohhhh what, he's gone and said it now! Here come the haters."
  14. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    Are you lookng for controversy? I'll give it to you! So here goes. Take comments like these to the appropiate thread and if one isn't available, then make one.

    @Taco, try some jungle fizz. It takes some getting used too, but he's great at counter jungling since he can jump over the walls at baron and dragon pit.
  15. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I have real difficulty playing any AP junglers, I can only really do Noc and Olaf on jungle. Well, I can do Fiddle too, but I don't level fast enough and my ganks are very weak as a result.

    I just prefer being solo top, or either bottom lane champion (AD or support). Being support bodes well for me since I don't constantly get bitched at, and that in of itself is nice.
  16. Transactionzero

    Transactionzero Ancient
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    They nerfed Mundo in one of the recent patches. Nothing horrible, but still nerfed. Trynd is a beast.
  17. Gr4phix

    Gr4phix Ancient
    Senior Member

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    They also nerfed my Xin.
    I'm horribly sad. :'<

    I want to learn how to play Mundo as well.
    I want to learn how to play a lot of champs... -.-"

    I'm starting to learn how to play Akali, little by little.
  18. WWWilliam

    WWWilliam Forerunner

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    A lot of tops job is to kill the ad carry, Talon and Olaf for example, Talon waits for second there carry is out of potion or unprotected DEAD, Olaf is just like Ghost+ult=Dead AD carry.
    AD carry is mainly so late game your team has a constant source of high damage, Early-Mid game Top will dominate.

    I use to main blitz, So i understand that completely lol To play blitz well you really have to understand the game in everyway *I pull them they die* is gonna lose you the game. Best tip for blitz is scare them dont have to kill them just make them scared to go near cs while your ad carry free farms(by last hitting only) then when they get impatient and go for cs kill them and make them more scared.

    But right now I can tell you imo the best strategem is roaming and ganking as any champion. I can win any 1v1 lane, I can go 15-0 mid with 300cs and enemy with 10cs and still lose easily but if i say screw it and intentionally letting my enemy lane farm and catch up and go gank other lanes letting other lanes and other players have the advantage in there lane because i know i can do good even if the enemy is fed so i don't need myself to be fed I need my whole team to have an advantage over the other team.

    Top can gank mid easy mid can gank top or bot whichever's pushed, bot support can gank mid.

    Also a tip: if your winning laning phase, Aka your getting heaps of kills or out farming enemy easily, DON'T!!! kill any towers in any lane and defend your towers. prolong this phase as long as you can because your winning it your champions and or players are better at laning phase so you can keep going on indefinitely until your so fed they give up or someone kills a tower.
    And vise versa if your losing your laning phase kill enemy tower asap or let them kill yours if your desperate enough.

    Also stacking 5 AA's and 1 dcap is the most AP you can get in a game but usually you want more then pure AP like magic penitration, survivability, spell vamp but pure AP can work.
    But I'm the same in domination I won the first ever game i played of domination and never won one since lol
  19. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I've been saving IP for buying either Galio or Maokai, perhaps someone else, but someone sturdy that has an AOE ult that can turn teamfights around.

    Any suggestions? Ideally someone with tons of utility, so it would be possible to support with them. Maybe Leona would work.
    #39 Aschur, Aug 3, 2012
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2012
  20. WWWilliam

    WWWilliam Forerunner

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    Malphite is a solid choice, Fairly cheap i think 1350. But his ult aoe stun with decent damage can be a game winner if used right.

    Also his very tanky specially against AD if built right he can be a late game anti carry as in he can burst down a ad carry killing them with a 1 combo or slow enemy's Attack speed so much they do barley any damage. (almost always get Frozen heart OR randuins omen)

    Plus he can go top or mid or support or jungle so not limited to a role.

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