YouTube - Look Before You Leap 3 | Presented by Jump Theory (HD) Really loved the jumps, must have taken so much time! My favourite is the one where he jumps into the mancannon on narrows & launches up onto the ledge I like the one where he jumps up the rocks as well.
The only jumps I really like are ones that you can do in matchmaking. and the Seagull one. That made me lul.
That guy just shot a seagull to boost himself!!1!!1!ONE1! Too bad I already watched this. The music isn't that good, but some of the best jumps redeem that. Gary UK is so original. In LBYL 2 he was jumping off of falling icicles, and now he's murdering seagulls to boost him further.
Okay, I've been trying to re-create the narrows one and the valhalla one. IT DOES NOT WOARK. ;~; I's sad now.
Okay i gotta say this... WTF hAx0rZ he used a SEAGULL to boost himself what a hax0r! some of those jumps were incredible. Some of them were actually not that hard though in their basic form they just over complicated them like the first one on cold storage, and the one on narrows where he jumped off the lawn chair. But still, absolutly amazing most of the time.