Anyone care to tell me what kind of rooms I need to create a prison. Other than cells? I don't need to know how they would connect as much as what they are. I'm making a prison map. I don't know if it will be playable or not yet, but at the very least it will be aesthetic. As of now I'm improvising. So help is appreciated. ~ Read the comments if you are interesting in seeing what is done on the map ~
well, from movies that I have seen there is always the cafeteria, and the Outside basketball/weightlifting/hang out place. If your going for aesthetics try making like weight machines somehow lol. and you could put toilets in the cells. And a giant fence/wall that stretches around the place.. I dunno.. just my thoughts. GL!
Cells a cafateria maybe a bathroom entrance and a walkway or Watchtower for a nother Cop to Look over prisoners
Well make rows of prison rooms. Use scaffolding or what I thought of doing. If this is for Cops & Robbers which I'm sure it is, use tin cups poles for jail bars. This provides an excellent Aesthetic touch, and you can still walk through the bars to escape. Like that Staion 69 map. only that had shield doors. Also for the sewer, interlock tube pieces to make a round tube length and put shield doors through the tube to make the sewer water effect. Then for an escape route, make a hidden grav lift to throw at a brick (Block tiny) to lift it up, like they were to dig out the area with a spoon. Like make a wall of blocks and then have a hole, plug that hole with a block tiny, the have a teleporter or immovable object to stop the brick from going everywhere. and have a tunnel connecting the room to the outside so when you grav lift the block, a tunnel appears.
Have a catwalk over top of the cells. The entrance to the catwalk should be located in a completely separate room so Jailbreak'ees can not run onto it. Also, make a few holding cells, there should be around 4 of these located near the entrance to the jail. Deeper in to the cell should have the main cells with bunk beds. And near the very back should have Solitary Confinement. Solitary should have a large thick door, and another typical vertical bar door inside of it. You should use scaffolding to make the bars.
Cells, Bathroom, Courtyard type room, A hidden place to escape from, Showers, Weapon Locker, anything else inside a real prison I guess, Prison maps are always fun :happy:
Things from suggestions that I will add: -Tunnel, at least one, somewhere. -Wardens Office, no armory for regular games -Solitary Confinement Room -Cafeteria At least. I already have the cells. I only made 4, because it takes around 5 scaffolding each. I have a random empty room, which I will furnish, I have a room for visitors to talk to prisoners (like, phone between glass type of thing), and a main hallway done. All of this is roofed already. Warden's office is being worked on. Pictures will be added on the map preview thread, which I will make when the Warden's office is done.
window panels for jail bars if on foundry and scaffolding poles for jail cells if on sandbox. rec field (maybe?) soccer field?
You could put scaffolding upside down, and use both sides for jail bars, so the 'free' hall is in between the poles, and the inmates are at the sides of the bars. you could make more cells using this method, unless you want a big hall in between the cells.
A cafeteria, a pallet blocking a hidden exit. Maybe a few other pallets blocking the exit to the outside world. A warden's office a bathroom in each cell. and few others.
You need an outside area for convict labour (could have grav hammer left out, or in a tool shed?) XD with towers with turrets and spot lights? (for aesthetics) and the entrance bit with dual gates. A library? Also a shotgun and pistol should be in the wardens office! A gym? Visiting area (for aesthetics?) An electric chair room (again for aesthetics?) staff area containing bunks, kitchen, loo, tv room? That's all i can think of!
There will be no outside, sadly. The C&R Version may have an exit, but there will be no aesthetics. The map is near completion and I have 60 dollars left. Right now I have: - 4 cells - glass window / talk with phones through glass room - cafeteria - desk area - Warden's Office - Major Hallway (connects rooms on one half of the prison) - 2 connecting rooms (moderate size) I know 4 cells isn't much, but 4, maybe 6 players can fit in one cell. The cells would basically act as spawn areas. There will be 3 versions of this map, most likely: - Infection (cells broken, gloomy effect) - Default (cells not broken, no effects) - C&R (cells "broken" in center so criminals can crouch under the bars)
1. cells 2. cell blocks 3. chow hall 4. the ever so popular shower room 5. rec yard 6. watch towers 7. wardens office 8. barracks 9. death row 10. the hole 11. laundry room and kitchen edit: oh yeah, i think it would be cool if in death row you made an electric chair where a power drain would spawn.
Turns out there was a tank in the sky bubble, I now have around 90 dollars on the "default" version, and around 100 on the "C&R" version. 85 on infection. Keep in mind I still have to make weapons on the Default and Infection variants, but really that should be 15 dollars or less for infection, maybe 20-25 on Default. C&R needs no weapons. I still have a few un-needed canvas items to delete, but it will only give me around 15 dollars. So, think about 85 dollars once each variant is complete, more for default and c&r. If I can, I'll try to add a shower, or an electric chair. Or I may just add random aesthetics. What do you guys think? For making an electric chair / shower / any additional room, keep in mind that It will need roofing. think around 5 or 6 double boxes for a roof, that's 25 or 30 dollars. add around 15 if the room is bigger than one DB wide.
You need basic prison rooms, food place, washroom, an open area, boss office not to mention you will have to make escape routes... Also i have noticed one flaw in all jail maps, the cells are never that good. Incorperate a bed in each cell since every cell has one.