Layout Designers besides Forge???

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Nobodhi, Nov 5, 2020.

  1. Nobodhi

    Nobodhi Spartan III

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    Basically looking for something I can design with from my computer as Halo for PC simply refuses to work for me. I have Blender, but quite honestly am still learning the ropes. Are there simple, intuitive layout designer options out there? Really just want to focus on developing my skill with blockouts. Thanks in advance, fellow forgers.
    Blaze likes this.
  2. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    Diabotical has an amazing and easy to use editor. It's currently in a beta state but still has everything you need to make dev quality maps. The community is active but mostly hardcore players, so the learning curve for the game is a bit brutal, as well as the community but there are plenty of resources to get you started. And the game is free.

    Crash course -

    Documentation -
    Examples of finished products -


    Quake + Trenchbroom would be a perfect starting point for single player level design, if you were in interested in that. Extremely helpful and active community. Cheap and easy to set up.

    Setup and tutorials -

    More tutorials -

    Example of finished products -


    You could always jump into UE4 which has some in engine templates for all sorts of genres. While UT4 does not have an active community, you could always build a map for that, if you want to learn the editor but want a game to go along with it. Murder Miners has a solid in game editor, still fun despite it being very basic and has a small active community. Halo 5 forge is free on PC.

    There are probably other games that I should mention, I'll edit if I think of any good ones.
    xzamplez likes this.
  3. WaiHo

    WaiHo Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I still use Sketchup for my drafts, I simply made a grid and use that as a startingpoint everytime.
    Fritzster likes this.
  4. Nobodhi

    Nobodhi Spartan III

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    Mind blown. Diabotical looks absolutely gorgeous. Definitely gonna be giving it a try. Really just need to practice. I can blockout in Blender, but I'm slow and impatient. Intend to learn Blender, Diabotical and Unreal just to be fluent while continuing to create in Halo. Maybe one day we'll all get to work on Halo 7 together. Cheers, bud. Thanks for the help!
    Blaze likes this.
  5. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    Another game, Prodeus just released recently with a fully integrated level editor and custom file sharing. Only single player as far as I’m aware of but it’s a cool game for sure.

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