Get into your ghost and be the last player alive. Push your enemies into the lava and see your foes body fly into the air, off the edge for a long fall, or you can always hijack them if your feelin' lucky. You get 1 point for every round you are the last man standing. Gametype: Derby Derby (KOTH Variant) Good for 2 players and great for 8. - Black Derby
I seriously hate it when people make a Monster Trucks game and decide to have the winner be whoever has the least negative score. I mean seriously, what's up with that? Why not simply cover your entire playable map area with one big Hill. Set up a King of the Hill game where being in control of the Hill gives you one point. The last man standing will recieve a point at the end of the round.
I completely agree with you and it make more sense to do it that way. But onto the map. I have seen a lot of Lava Pit remakes in my time of Halo and they all are relatively the same. But you have made yours fairly different. More than one drop into death? Why hasn't anyone else done that before? Also, the vehicle drop off points, it looks like they prevent you from dying in the very beginning, which is a nice touch. And, are they in a soft kill zone so you can't just camp in there? But I'll give it a download and try it out, always have friends wanting to play Lava Pit.
*Sigh* lava pit, you have forever changed how we look at monster truck maps. This is so simple yet original that im going to give it a try. The fact that each spawn cant just floor it scares me, and i just that know im going to be the one to just run into a pit in the very begining. The asthetics are nice and I like the picture of a beutiful, peaceful hill with a arena of death in the backround *sniffel* so... touching... Did you ever think about adding a red light in the middle to give that "lava"y feeling? also the king of the hill idea realy would make this better.
Loved the KOTH variant suggestion so I updated the game type and the map. I think I did place a red light in the middle pit, maybe. It might not have done much so I may have deleted it. Yes the soft kill zones are for campers. In halo 3 people would sit there and wait to fight one on one, its was very lame. (A question about the KOTH variant to those who are interested: When each player has one life and it gets down to 1 player the round ends before a point can be given. 1 player remaining = end of game. Is there a way of having 1 life and have 1 man left with out the game immediately ending? I set up a respawn area and made the lives infinite but i would rather not have the 2nd life just to watch the game from afar.)
My suggestion is, (If you have one), move your solid kill barrier below the map, farther down. making it so the player is tagged as "out of the hill" before they die, The remaining player now has a second to score a point.
or you could simply change the damage modifier to 25%, it'll give you the kill when they fall off as long as you hit them, and make a kill give you a point, suicides equal 0, that's how me and my friends do it...
One of the best looking lava pit games ive seen. love the idea of more than one kill ball hole. good job