i guess in here u people r suckups it looks good thats all its just the same ffa map over and over why dont u guys come up with a new creation in stead of always making the same thing u think im rong look at cydronixs maps they look like urs and so do alot of other peoples so please make a new type of ffa map
this map looks pretty dam epic. i ususally look at casual and now im lookin in competitive and theres a HUGE difference... such better geomerging and interlocking great job i bet this will get featured at some point
This deserves to be put in MM, it is well thought out, great spawn system and plays extremely well.In my forgethrough the structures looks amazing, in game there was lots of action so I never had time to look! Feature worthy also.
dude nice map definite download 4 me keep on forging! 1 question are the "magnet powerups able 2 be picked up? ( the white powerups in the fence wall pillar things) But awesome map
Get the hell out of mine and adelyss' thread flipside. You dont know jack **** about map design or forging, anyone whos seen your maps knows that. Every structure on thes map has a purpose. There isnt a single piece of lazy cover to be found. This took 2 months to create and the post you quoted was right about the maps cleanlieness. On this map we geod almost everything if it touched map geometry be it the ceiling, floor, or wall, and guess what? The merges are as straight and even as you can possibly get them. Just to let you know the ffa version of this map is still in the process of being created so i wouldnt be making cliams about this being an ffa map if i were you. We didnt even test ffa for this version. Also this map had no inspiration from any other map made. It was intended to be completely original and new and according to the majority of the posts in this thread, it succeded. To prs slayer: No, they are only for looks/callouts.
nice map as everyone else said expert work here but also i have not seen any geomerging like this fore a long time so good job
I appreciate the good comment but if youre gonna post would you mind giving some better feedback then telling us nice geomerging?
........You forgot to mention it's quite possibly the greatest album of all time! AMAZING map by the way, 11/10
well this looks really good and upgraded from the one that we tested on if u remember me. but i really do like it. i think the original attackers base was better and just cooler but i guess the new is pretty cool. also noticed the cave which looks alot my map labyrinth which almost the same cave but i really like this. also the part where you have the b signs just doesnt look that good. the ramp is nice but the b signs on top of each other just look bad. i dont know how you would fix that but i think it needs it.
I found this map from your sig, and I'm glad I did. It's flawless, every bit of it. Byfar the best competitive map I've seen on foundry. I don't care how lost in the forums this map once was, I think it deserves a second go. Keep forging, it's your gift.