Hello again, ForgeHub! Christmas is upon us, so I decided to make a puzzle to celebrate. I've seen a load of jumpers lately, but most of these are focused on trick jumping across a linear route. To be honest, that's not really a puzzle so much as an obstacle course. Hence, I tried to make this map less linear, and without all of those ghost jumps and things. Trust me, it's still hard, but in different ways. I also wanted this map to actually look like something, instead of a random mis-mash of blocks. I'll show you all of the areas in detail, then you'll have to figure out how to get to each destination. Oh, did I mention? The set up is a VIP map, where there's three checkpoints you have to reach to complete the level. Up to 4 people can play at once, if you find it too hard in solo, or just fancy racing your friends. It was originally going to be an assault variant, where you have to plant the bomb from one checkpoint at the plant at the top, but I couldn't get it to work solo. Advance warning, be careful with the radio poles, because if one falls the wrong way it's pretty much a game over. Now let me show you around... Destination: Rocket Launcher Mostly some straightforward jumps, and an easy introduction. Keep at it, because you'll need that rocket launcher later... Destination: Pole Dancer How do you propose you reach the original bomb spawn? It's going to take some fancy moves... Teleporter: Blockage Okay, I had to cheat and put a teleporter in to get this to work for all but the most extreme people Destination: Home Stretch If you can get here, congrats! Just some tricky jumps left and you're king of the castle. Download Lateral Here Download Gametype Here Okay, hopefully those screenie's didn't ruin the surprise too much. If you remain stumped after a while, I've rendered a vid of me speedrunning the level. The ending's a bit off, as I decided to add an extra block. However, the jump's still possible, just a little harder. Anyways, if you don't want to ruin the surprise, look away. [bungievid]102664914[/bungievid]
Ya know, this really kinda gives a mirrors edge feel. Acting like a ninja jumping to multiple destinations. Nice idea, haven't quite seen a jump map done like this. Good job.
I like the new feel this jumping map brings. It seems pretty short, but it looks pretty cool from the video. One thing I don't like is the teleporter. It kind of ruins the feel. It would be nice if you made it bigger.
Cheers! I agree: the teleporter is unnatural, but I couldn't be bothered to scrap the map for its sake, and the other jump is too hard to be relied upon. I'll definitely work on a bigger version, but I'll have to work to make it feel different.