Lasting Chrono Description:This map is a 2v2-3v3 map it is symetrical but asymetrical at the same time but it doesnt really matter it was origanaly going to be the final remake of chrono but it turned into something else Game types : sorry but only for Team slayer game types Weapons/equipment: 8 brs 2 snipers/2min/1 clip 2 plasma pistols 2 needlers/1 clip/2 min 1 rocket /3 min/1 clip 2 carbons 4 spike grenades Pics If you missed the link here u go
Woah; Theres some smooth merging in here, I mean like super. Floors are tight- and it's a nice layout of things... You really should add in CTF though, because this is a sweet layout for it.
Looks great! I love that it isn't just a a bunch of tiny little walkways... Keep up the good forgin'!!
reply i really wanted to but i ran into the limit of items i was really mad like i cant even spawn spawns anymore so i will half to improvise on a maybe v2
The multiple levels on this map make it one of the better Sandbox skybubble variants I have seen. The thing that might be a problem is that the higher side parts by the spawn can easily dominate the rocket walkway as the only cover is the obelisks, and the person won't camp there forever. Just needs some more cover in the open areas and this map would be even better. 4/5
I remember testing it. It is really fun to play on. I downloaded it immediatly. I liked playing shotty snipers on it. Remember i got a running riot in one of the towers. This must be featured. I really like this map. It is really aesthetic and the only problem is that there is little bumps in the boxes where you interlocked. But all and all this is a great map. Anyone who reads this post, take my word for it, This is an soy sauce, epicly, awesome,insane,omgwtfbbq, map. 5/5!
well thank you for the comments about my map and i will try to fix some of the bumps when i completly remake the map on the bottom or the main level of the map thanks
Bumps are not your fault, there is a problem on Sandbox in the skybubble, where almost every items tilts slightly when you save and exit. A bummer, but you gotta live with it. Happened on my new map. I WAS PISSED!
This looks like a very fun and interesting map. This is worth a download. That sucks that sandbox wouldn't let you add anything else. 5/5
reply well hopefully building the remake in the crypt will solve somethings and ctf or what ever fits the map best