Last Stand

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by maxp0095, Feb 21, 2009.

  1. maxp0095

    maxp0095 Ancient
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    Last Stand Is a Fort Type map, With Zombies Spawning in the back hallway of foundry, and humans spawning in the fort.

    Sniper x3
    Spartan Laser x2
    Battle Rifle x11
    Shotgun x3
    Rocket Launcher x1
    SMG x2
    Machine Gun Turret x2
    Mongoose x1
    Normal Movement
    Normal Shields/Health
    Limited Ammo

    carbine x2
    brute shot x3
    fuel rod x1
    Wraith x1
    Plasma turret x3
    Normal Movement
    Normal Shields
    Weapon Pickup Enabled
    Normal Movement
    Shields: none
    Damage Resistance: 10%
    Weapon Pickup: Disabled

    Human Spawn

    Zombie Spawn

    Small Barricade With turret and Rocket

    Ramp to second floor w/ turret

    Overview Of second Floor of Fort

    Wraith Cannon For Zombies

    Cannon For zombies w/ instant respawn Fusion Coil

    Bridges that spawn 90 secs to allow zombies to climb up

    Mongoose And Wall Zombies can Break Through

    Zombie Weapons

    Teleporter Door For Zombies( bridges spawn at 90 secs)

    Map- Halo 3 File Details

    Gametype- Halo 3 File Details
    #1 maxp0095, Feb 21, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2009
  2. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
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    I liked the use of the wraith but the placement could be better. I suggest moving it back further. I also think it could be better covered to improve the looks (just my opinion). I doubt that would affect the gameplay too severely though. On your...5th picture from the top, i noticed you have one of those unsightly "flickering lines" formed by unevenly interlocked double boxes. I really don't like those, but once again, it doesn't affect gameplay. I would like to play this map with a large party. Feel free to invite me if you get one going. Nice map, well done

    JASONYO Ancient
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    dude i have an idea. its an awesome idea

    merge the wraith into the level, u can find the tutorial in the forging 101 section. it would b awesomeeeee
  4. xPsychZerox

    xPsychZerox Ancient
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    That would look very cool, but if he wants the wraith as a weapon he needs to leave it like that. Once any vehicle is merged (that has any form of gun), the gun can no longer be used. But it would look really cool for like a buried kind of feel.

    I think this would look fun overall, but maybe clean up some spots just a little better. rate: 3.5/5
  5. Cheeeeese

    Cheeeeese Ancient
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    I dont like that the humans have infinite ammo, it means that you can go get a power weapon and then simply camp in the base all game. I'd prefer you take off the infinite ammo and remove some of the power weapons.

    Now on to your Forging....

    From what I see in your map, your forging skills are above avarage, your interlocking is very good as-well .

    I also have some questions about your map-

    In the last picture I see a door, does that act as a actual door or is it just for show?

    How many spawn points did you put in the human spawn?
    I only see 3 and that would mean that in larger parties most players would spawn in deafult spots.

    My final question, is the zombie spawn in the first picture open?
  6. maxp0095

    maxp0095 Ancient
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    I just showed respawn points, There are 16 Starting Points. And Humans Do not Have infinite Ammo Anymore.
  7. Bootsie 22

    Bootsie 22 Ancient
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    You did a nice job applying the siege concept to this map. Spawning siege weapons like ladders during the game was a brilliant idea. The wraith would serve as the best vehicle for a catapult but it looks really sloppy. You just need less walls holding it down. I can see just 3 keeping it in place. Maybe even two, but you would need to slightly interlock it for 2 two work.
  8. OrangE BloB

    OrangE BloB Ancient
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    This map has an okay overall feel to it, the wraith IS a bit sloppy, and merging it is better than just using walls. Your interlocking is pretty good, but there isn't that much of it, it seems pretty empty apart from the bases and stuff, but i haven't seen it in game.
    Great job, keep it up!

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