Last Spartan on Titan Outpost

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by TheDeathstr1ke, Jul 18, 2010.

  1. TheDeathstr1ke

    TheDeathstr1ke Forerunner

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    Last Spartan is a VIP gametype I made that was inspired by rifte gifle's Asset. The VIP Team (Marines) spawn in Titan Outpost, a small UNSC Base located in a desert. The Marines have 90% Damage, Resistance and Speed. 150% Gravity. No Radar and No Shields. They spawn with an AR and Magnum. The VIP (Spartan) has 110% Damage, Resisitance, Shield Recharge Rate and Speed. Normal Gravity, and Radar. He also has a waypoint over his head at all times. When he is within 25 meters of a Marine, the Marine gets a moral boost increasing his combat effectivness. Their new traits become: 100% Damage and Resistance. They get Shields (To act as Stamina), and a 50% Shield Recharge Rate.

    The Attackers (Elites) spawn in their War Room and have normal traits, except for 110% Speed. They only Spawn with a Sword. They also have a Custom Power-Up that makes you a Zealot. The Zealot has 125% Speed, and 110% Damage and Resistance. He also has a Waypoint over his head. After the Elites get their weapons and leave the War Room they Teleport onto a Vehicle Pad where there is a Wraith, Ghost, Banshee, and a Prowler (I didn't want to use this, but it was the only Covenant troop transport).

    The Marines must protect the Spartan at all costs, and to do so they have a locked down Scorpion, 3 Turrets, and an Underground Bunker full of weapons. But none of the Marines weapons or equipment respawn (This includes the tank), so use them wisely. At 3 minutes in (Out of 5) a Transport Hornet spawns so you can reach your destination, a small UNSC transport ship. The round ends when the Spartan arrives, or dies.

    Now on to the pictures.

    Overview of Titan Outpost

    The Hornet Landing Pad

    The locked down Scorpion

    Underground Bunker/Armory

    UNSC Transport Ship

    Elite's War Room
    **Only the important half is shown, the spawns are not shown.

    And the Elites Vehicle Pad

    And that's it! The map should be up for download in 1 or 2 weeks (Hopefully only 1), so look for it in the Casual Maps section! I'll have more pictures and a backstory in the final thread too!
    #1 TheDeathstr1ke, Jul 18, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2010

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