Authors: x Wulfy x, Pezmondo and Karllilley Story: Last Defence is a vehicle and research facility and the last standing structure on Reach. Once the covenant found out about the location of the facility, they sent in an assault force of elites to destroy it. The facility is current shielding the remaining spartans on reach, who are using it as a final stand against the covenant onslaught. Communications are down, and there are only a handful of spartans left. Will the spartans hold off the attack of the covenant or will the covenant overrun the facility and all trace of humanity from Reach? Map Synopsis: Screenshots: Map and Game Notes: This map is made mainly for invasion slayer, but you can use it also for team slayer, and big team slayer. The Last Defence gametype is a modification of Invasion Slayer which consists of kills = win. Each side has a ordanance drop which they call in by standing in the drop zone to recieve the reinforcements. The covenant start on the beach and fight their way up to the facility, and they have a second stronghold upon the cliff bridge leading towards the facility, which is good for a second entry and a vital flank point. The Air base is accessable via the teleport next to the snipers nest on the right hand side of the facility. You can gain access to the top part of the facility by using the gravity lifts in the entry tower.
The setup up looks absolutely incredible, really. I love all the bases, geometry, bridge, etc. I'm a bit concerned about the intense amount of power weapons, vehicles, and shades, though...Might be a bit much both gameplay-wise and engine-wise for Reach to handle. I'll give it a go, though, and let you know how I feel the gameplay balances out. Looks great, and cool idea for the ordnance!!!
Thanks man I just need a few people to test it with me, I wanna know how it plays in Invasion Slayer with max capacity of player, I don't know weather it will lag or not etc, like you said.
After seeing a gazzilion floating maps, its great to see a map using the terrain so imaginatively. Count me in for play testing if you wish. I'm MrSaddo on XBL.