Last Creation Author: Sworn Shadow Crew members of the Quito space station have awaken Dr. Wallace's last creation. Download Here Summary: Dr. Wallace Fujikawa, along with Doctor Tobias Fleming Shaw, was the co-creator of the Translight Engine in 2291, the first device that allowed humanity to reach beyond their solar system. He held the title of Doctor of Science and was renowned for his work in the field of quantum electro-nuclear dynamics. In 2316 he had started a side project without Dr. Shaw to help eliminate covenant enemies in the war. When Dr. Wallace died two years later he left his last creation to be found by the crew members of the Quito space station. Description: The Last Creation is an android built in the main elevator shaft of the Quito space station. The enormous war machine wields a sword to stab covenant scarabs and soldiers. The structure of the android has been thought out for years by Dr. Wallace, it includes a metal chest and shoulder pads. The red glow of the eyes has been used as an intimidation technique to scare covenant forces. Android Overview Destroy the propane tank and the robot will explode! Download Here
It looks okay, but I don't think it's really that good as an aesthetic map. I've seen competitive maps focused around something like this. With the resources on hand in Orbital, you could probably make a more detailed robot. May I suggest a V2? For what's here, 7/10.
Looks cool. But, with most bots, the arms are at 90º angles, which is not as good as a 45º angle. Nice job though! P.S, Nice reference to Contact Harvest!
it looks decent, although the arms should be fixed. one question though, how is the big death hole closed? did you just add objects there or somethin? cuz when ive played on it its always been open
The robot looks quite good but you certainly need to make it less.... rectangular, use more creative angles than 90º.
I gotta be honest and say that this looks basically the same as the very first and every subsequent "Giant Robot" that has been made. I dont mean to sound rude, but there is not much in the form of originality or creativity goin on here. Quite honestly its just boxes. I think you could have merged and perhaps come up with more artistic angles and such. I think its cool you went with Orbital but this robot just doesnt do much for me. Keep up the effort and dont rush your work. *thumbs up!*
The map this is on is called Orbital bud, and this is the very first Aesthetic map to be released on Orbital. Although the arms do look like they could be a lot bigger, I still like the robot. But could you please show us a picture of it in action? Ya know, exploding and all. I happen to know that you have at least a $600 budget on Orbital so you really have no excuse for not including more on this map, like possibly creating gameplay around it? I don't know, it's just missing something. Perhaps it's the fact that you made it on the smallest map ever? Try making this on Sandbox, and trust me. It will come out a lot better on Sandbox. Being as this is an Aesthetic map, and that there is no gameplay. I can rate the map just from the pictures, because playing it wouldn't allow me to see anything more. But I think I want to make it explode.. that might be fun. 3/5 stars, and only because I know the limits of Orbital, and those arms are way to stubby.
This map looks good but maybe you should have made other stuff in the map and made it a competiteve map. 2/5 for the asthetic. 7/10 for the attempt Happy Hubbing
hey this reminds me of liberty prime from fallout 3 before you follow him to the jefferson memorial i like the idea though 4/5