Laser Arena Created by HomerSPC and Jackis25 Supported Gametypes: Slayer, Assault, Capture The Flag, and Territories. ADDED GAMETYPES Map Description Based off of my favourite past time, well... Second favourite past time; Laser Quest. You start off in a small room, the sign shows what base to go to (though you don't really have to). When you first enter the chute, you pick up the custon powerups, preventing kills for 30 seconds so you can find a hiding spot (Slayer. Objective games are shorter). Once you lose your active camo and white colour (also from the powerup) the game really begins. In Slayer game settings, every kill is equal to 2 points while a death is -1. The goal; 100 Points, and you have 15 minutes to do it. And did I forget to mention that all you have to play with is a sniper and magnum? _________________________________________________ Teams start out in their own room that looks exactly the same. After walking through the teleporter, you fall down this chute Another view of this chute and a sniping spot "Banannas" Base "Apples" Base Middle Base/Sniping Spots Assault Bomb Spawn/Territory Spawn _________________________________________________ Please provide some feedback, what I should add/remove and what you would like to see. I'll be fixing the gametypes up after I post this, and hopefully have them up by tomorrow. Thanks for reading this, and now heres the links to my stuff: Download Laser Arena Download Laser Quest Slayer Download Laser Quest FFA Download Laser Quest Territories Download Laser Quest Assault Download Laser Quest CTF I LOVE JEX YOYO I LOVE JEX YOYO I LOVE JEX YOYO I LOVE JEX YOYO I LOVE JEX YOYO I LOVE JEX YOYO I LOVE JEX YOYO I LOVE JEX YOYO I LOVE JEX YOYO I LOVE JEX YOYO I LOVE JEX YOYO
ummmm..... everything subtracted? Grenade jump + whole map one level [minus a VERY few select areas which have huge view points]= easy maze beat. need to make walls higher or put on a ceiling. and if you have everyone spawning in that room, people WILL throw honor out the window and kill each other before even taking a step into that teleporter. Try again. I suggest filling that room with Custom power ups. all four. set on instant respawn. but thats still not fair, cause if I was playing with you (with the intention of breaking this map) I would wait in the room till you fall out, then wait 30 seconds after that, then go find and kill you, then wait under the chute and kill you as you pop out. It can happen. trust me. 1/10. Fix this.
everything looks sloppy, like a lazy map makers entry, all the walls are crooked, just telling by the first pic.....would never download, 1.5/5 just cause of the idea......
There really is no excuse for slanted walls and barely any interlocking when your map needs it. A good map does not need interlocking IF it does not disturb the gameplay in anyway, or is neat and tidy. This is neither. It looks like an amazing layout, but you really took no time into making the map look nice.
Ok, Well reading some of these posts, BOTH TEAMS SPAWN IN THEIR OWN ROOMS, Not just one room. Secondly, It isn't suposed to be a maze, I only named it that because I caouldn't think of anything else. You ARE allowed to jump on the boxes, walls, etc.The only thing was there are no grenades in our gametypes. This means you can't grenade jump, because it would kill you (health set to 10%) If it makes people happy, I'll change the name to Laser Arena. The Slanted walls provided help to get onto the bases, as the old gametypes were set to 200% Gravity (I changed this). Also, the Custom Powerup spawns are in the chute, set to instant respawn. You move faster, have less gravity, are invisible, can't do damage, and are white. These settings are to get you away from the chute as fast as you can (and the white tells you when the game really starts (you turn black)). And just because I have been spawn camped at the chute before, you only start in the rooms. The spawns are thrown everywhere in the map. You might spawn in a sniper spot, you might spawn in the middle of a battle. Thats the guessing work of the spawns. And, I must add that if someone dies while coming down the chute, or before the 30 secs before a game, the game would start premature, and the one who killed would be able to do no damage and could get killed in one shot. I'll try to post the gametypes soon, then anyone can try WITH the gametypes. All my friends loved this map. Also, I think I'll be making a Version 2, scraping the whole arena and starting fresh. If anyone has ideas, can you PM me?