Update: Fixed the golf ball challenge, since it would get stuck in the middle of the walls. Also fixed the cones leading to the golf ball to make it easier. Updated the link. Sup. Ever watched Bleach? Yeah? Then you should already know that this map is named after the fortress located in Hueco Mundo which is the base of operations of Sōsuke Aizen, Gin Ichimaru, and Kan. However, the map isn't a fortress in any way. Its supposed to be a difficult path escaping Las Noches. If you don't watch Bleach - then you will be very confused if you continue to read. If you're not confused, then I applaud you. I will try to make it more understandable for you non-bleach watchers. Story: You have just rescued Orihime from Las Noches and you're trying to escape the fortress, as well as the desert, and head towards the "Garganta" (portal back to the real world). Your path will include the Forest of the Menos, Nell's Checkpoint, and you might encounter the Runuganga.) By the way - when I say "desert" I mean the mountains. The reason I'm saying desert is because during the actual anime "Las Noches" is located in a desert, and the Forest of Menos is underground. Therefore the cave would be the forest, and the desert would be on top. Understand now? The Rocks You spawn on a lonely, dark, cold platform next to a waterfall along with your friends( true bleach fans would roleplay). Just hop across the rocks but watch out when you get near the waterfall, it might get dangerous. Nell's checkpoint base In the picture you can see two things: the 2nd challenge and Nell's CP base. There are 4 checkpoints in this map, and in order to unlock them you need to blow up the fusion coils blocking them. The first checkpoint you can unblock is on Nell's checkpoint base. Respect this base at all times or else Nell might sneeze on you. The Cliffs Nothing too special about this part, but it isn't easy either. After you get onto land you'll have to make your way up onto the cliff and head towards the second checkpoint which you could sort of see in the picture(near the grav lift). Soon after your difficult flash-stepping/jumping you'll slowly approach the Forest of Menos entrance. The Forest of Menos The only way to enter is from above, and if you try to enter from below you'll have to deal with some nasty hollows(soft kill barrier, lol). The inside of the Forest is pitch-black but some Reishi lamps are attached to the platforms you're supposed to jump on. Watch out for Menos Grande. Oh, and try to find Ashido, he might help you. Back to the desert In order to get back to the top of the desert and fully leave the Forest of Menos - you must climb this hill and walk towards the 3rd checkpoint. Leaving the desert In order to leave the desert you must hop across these weapons and zanpakuto and towards the final challenge. Runuganga's rage Also known as the Guardian of the White Sands, he defends Las Noches from intruders. Even though you're all escaping and running away from Las Noches, he's still gonna be a huge ****. He created some sand whirlpools (killballs) and you'll have to ride the mongooses around them towards the Garganta. The Garganta Once you arrive here, feel free to enter through the doors of the Garganta and head back to Karakura town. Well guys, I really hope you enjoy my map. Its dedicated to all Bleach fans. If you find any parts you can't complete I'll be sure to help you out(although I assure you the map is completely do-able). I'd like to give a special shout out to my two testers: Dissident Jedi (Araceli) Keep Swaqqin (Steven) Hope you guys enjoy! P.S.: If anyone could get this on YT, or on any YT channel - I'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks.
I'm not a fan of anime cartoons and never watched 'Bleach'. But this is a good puzzle map. I'll classify the diffcultity of the map as Medium/Hard. All of it according to the pictures you put up are jumping on rocks, beams, railings and other things. This puzzle map based on a anime T.V show looks pretty good. Liked the way you made the map and the diffcultity of it. You've done a great job of making this anime based puzzle map. - EpICx ReMiX XD
It is a neat idea to base a puzzle map off of an anime series. I haven't seen bleach but from the pictures it looks interesting the only thing I don't like is the fact that it looks more like all you have to do is jump on block, which will cause players to get fusterated if they constently fall off or miss blocks because then they have to restart and when they do make the jumps they just repeat. Also I am wondering if they can jump off the mongoose at the last part or do you have a vehicle teleporter covering the whole area. Overall this looks like an interesting map. Also welcome to Forgehub.
Thanks for the feedback guys. Thanks for the welcome. The checkpoints will help and will make sure you don't have to start all over.