Lao Tzu Pagoda

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Indie Anthias, Mar 15, 2008.

  1. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
    Senior Member

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    Lao Tzu Pagoda
    climb the tower to the heavens rafters

    Download Map



    Fine weapons of war angur evil. Therefore, a man of Tao does not set his heart upon them. As weapons are instruments of evil, they are not properly a gentleman's instruments; only on necessity will he resort to them. For peace and quiet are dearest to his heart, and to him even a victory is no cause for rejoicing. To rejoice over a victory is to rejoice over the slaughtering of men!
    ~Tao Teh Ching, chapter 31

    Lao Tzu Pagoda started off as an aesthetic project and ended up as a general purpose Foundry competative map. Check out the level of detail I put into this project up close if you have the time. There's not much I can do with words better than pictures in this one, so without further ado:




    It supports all gametypes, but Slayer FFA and CTF are reccomended.

    The deployable grav lift is to reach the top levels of the pagoda and the goodies placed up there.



    "marking your terretory"... terretory flags are attached to walls outside of the capture area.

    Assault the pagoda to set off the Chinese fireworks

    view from the motor pool area








    Download Map
    #1 Indie Anthias, Mar 15, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2009
  2. LOL zombie

    LOL zombie Ancient
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    HAHA, this looks cool. I almost think this would be aesthetic, but also casual and competitve.. it does look very fun though

    Senior Member

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    the first pic looks like an optical getting dizzy. haha no but the aesthetics on this map look awesome. i have some doubts about how it will play, but then again i havent actually played it yet. Ill give it a DL and check it out... good job!
  4. TXGhost

    TXGhost Ancient
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    Just like I told you this looks great. I love what you added for playability. Sometime soon we must get a game together for this map, since I had to bail on you earlier.
  5. JSlayer7

    JSlayer7 Ancient
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    I can't resist the DL. It looks too realistic!
  6. TheRafa

    TheRafa Ancient
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    ....that's awesome!

    It reminds me of a map from Battlefield Vietnam (PC)

    Way to go! :squirrel_rocking:
  7. Mysterious D

    Mysterious D Ancient
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    Dude, this map is Mason worthy, but I'm glad you made this competitive. If you'll allow me, I would like to delete all other parts of this map except for the tower and my own map around it. I have the image in my head, I would just like your approval before I do something like this, as I don't want to offend you by taking you artistic talents :p.

    You got my DL from the first picture, and I hardly DL anything from FH - you've earned this.
  8. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
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    The space is rather open compared to most, but that was intended. I really prefer open areas.

    Yeah, your mauve ass missed out. Nah seriously, we will soon.

    Yeah Dom, I have no problem with that at all. Honestly, competative maps are not my forte, and once the tower was done I fretted a lot about how to do the rest. I made it open on purpose and the test games mostly played well but I'd really like to see what you have in mind. Just keep me updated on what you do to it.
  9. TXGhost

    TXGhost Ancient
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    Lol, I am keeping my armor color Mauve for reasons I shall keep to myself, only you and I shall know. Hah. And I guess this would be considered bumping since this post has nothing to do with your map. But it is a good bump since your map is great.
  10. Cosmic Rick

    Cosmic Rick Ancient
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    I played this map today, and some of the pics have me in them, I'm sure. Anyway: This map is pretty great. For such an open map, it really plays very well. I'm not sure about the sword placement up top (it's very difficult to actually get to), but I like everything else. The edges are very plain, but there's some interesting stuff aside from the pagoda around. It plays just a little differently than anything I've seen before. Good job, Pred.
  11. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    Wow. I have played this once, and I saw an early build version, so I knew what I was in store for when I clicked on the link for this thread. Or rather, I thought I knew what I was in store for. Your first pic made me actually say "woah" out loud. Beautiful.

    I didn't get enough time to look at the fine details while we played, so I'll have to download it. I don't think it's the most balanced map out there, but like you said, competitive maps aren't your forte. But people should download this just for it's aesthetic qualities. The fact that it's playable is a bonus.

    And I'd like to play another game or two to get a better feel for the map. I had zero time to look at layout, weapon placement, etc. during the game. Again, beautiful.

    EDIT: My next game here needs to be assault. Chinese fireworks FTW!
  12. deepmonkey paw

    deepmonkey paw Ancient
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    NOOOOO!!! you stole my map!! =]
    I have a picture on my phone of a pagoda I took from the cover of a Chinese menu.. LoL.. I was sooooo gonna make this map. O-well.. Looks great man.
  13. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    i like the central building but honestly everything looks a bit ordinary
  14. David 118

    David 118 Ancient
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    this map looks really good the building in the middle looks exacly like the real thing and jesus how many flares were used in the first picture its so bright.
  15. gorebound

    gorebound Ancient
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    The map looks really cool man :) I'll def give it a go!

    Peace // gorebound
  16. the other dark

    the other dark Ancient
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    This was really a fun game to play. The triple-splatter was definitely a highlight of it when I was playing. Almost got an overkill there too.

    The map looks great and plays great. I recommend downloading this.
  17. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    Looks really nice, Pred. Excellent job on the pagoda. I've gotta check this out...
  18. Mysterious D

    Mysterious D Ancient
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    Great - I'd like to build a small, multi-level, fast paced map around the main tower which will be dead center. I'll send you some details of it through PM.
  19. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
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    Thanks for the feedback, everyone.

    The sword is more aesthetic than functional, it makes such a great spire. Also I was going for an "Imperial City" feel, the large open (plain) courtyard surrounded by walls.

    Does anyone think the overshields and custom powerup look like Chinese lanterns? That's what they are supposed to be.

    Ha, for some reason I felt like I needed to get this published quickly. I had a feeling that this idea would get grabbed eventually. I did a serch for "pagoda" to see if anyone had done it yet, nothing came up. Anyway I hope you still do yours, Monkey. There's still room for lots of pagodas at FH, I think.
  20. Cosmic Rick

    Cosmic Rick Ancient
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    I don't think so... not until we get some other ethnically-specific, structurally-central maps up in the forums. You might want to focus on a Taj-Mahal (sp?) or communist-bloc apartment-style housing map. Lol.

    Seriously, though, I'm glad this map is getting some attention. It's fun, and that's what it's all about.

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