landing falling vehicles

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by THE SPEC1NAT0R, Apr 17, 2009.


    THE SPEC1NAT0R Ancient
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    I have started to make a map sort of like cheese jams halo wars. I am having my own set of problems. I made a team leader and he chooses what vehicles come to the battle field. The map is bases on the game End War. I made infantry and enngineers work very well where the weapons fall directly into the spot.
    My real problem is getting the vehicles down without them blowing up or flying off the map. The vehicles fall off a pallet and onto a slant where they fall down, but more than half the time they blow up. The vehicles are chopper, banshee, and warthog. they fall from the skybox. Does anyone know how to make a landing pad? I understand I can put on invinsible vehicles, but I am afraid it will take away from the gameplay.
    Any ideas???
    Sorry I do not have any screenshots yet.
    #1 THE SPEC1NAT0R, Apr 17, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2009
  2. Maxzy

    Maxzy Ancient
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    Mabey put a horizontal shield door where the vehicle will land. That way the vehicle will bounce and land safely.
  3. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    Try using witches instead. Make a room where the vehicle spawns. Then use some sort of switch to get the vehicle out or let the players in. I don not know if this will work with your game, but I hope it helps.

    THE SPEC1NAT0R Ancient
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    There is an anti-cheating switch in place. I just need to get the vehicles down unharmed from the skybox. I already considered the shield doors, but the vehicles would go flying seeing how fast they move. would a landing pad of radio antenas work?
  5. Maxzy

    Maxzy Ancient
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    Im not sure if the radio antenas would work. What about a grav lift. It may have less of a "bounce" than a shield door.

    THE SPEC1NAT0R Ancient
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    It would take forever to make it land on something as small as a gravity lift. And besides I already have important places for them. I did find if a vehicle hits an edge it survives. I never did get around to testing this though. maybe ground spikes? Lol
  7. Dreaddraco2

    Dreaddraco2 Ancient
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    You could make the objects spawn on the edge of the map, and fire them in on Man Cannons.
    Or you could have mongooses that are locked down by geomerging, which the warthogs land on.
  8. Maxzy

    Maxzy Ancient
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    I tested out the radio antennas for you and it works pretty well.
  9. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    Instead of dropping them all the way from the skybox, could you just float a platform above the floor to drop them from?

    THE SPEC1NAT0R Ancient
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    I started thinking about the radio anntenas. I think it would make a good pad it would just be hard to get off of them. I just read that tin cups have magnets in them. Would a pad made of tin cups work because that would be flat and easy to get off of?
    Sorry again I can't test it right now.
  11. Maxzy

    Maxzy Ancient
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    You mean landing it on an upside down tin cup?

    I try it tommorow.
  12. CheeseJam

    CheeseJam Ancient
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    In my map, Halo Wars, I used Shield Doors. After vehicles bounce off the shield doors you could catch them with some sort of funnel so they always land in the same spot. You can angle the shield doors to make a softer landing. Try different angles on the man cannons too.

    I also noticed that vehicle will survive when traveling horizontal and landing upright. Good luck, it's a real pain, believe me!
  13. STWOW

    STWOW Ancient
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    Yea shield doors would be your best bet for this
  14. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    So make a pad made up of upside down tin cups would help the warthog fall flat onto the surface. Does it matter what side the magnet is or what way it is aiming? What if it lands head first, how would you fix that?
  15. Jzzkc

    Jzzkc Ancient
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    Pardon me for going all nerdy here, but here's my take on the situation. You want do drop vehicles from the sky bubble.. and the players below will use them. Assuming that all the vehicles will be dropped at the same spot, I have a simple solution that involves physics (hence the nerdyness).

    I don't want to go in depth because it would take a year to understand what I'm talking about, but Work (physics work, not cubicle work) is always done on a plane parallel to it. In other words, person jumps off of a building, they hit the ground.. they go splat like seen below

    However, if you change the angle of impact so the force is gradually spread out over a distance, theoretically any item, even a fusion coil, should be able to survive the impact. If you don't understand what I'm talking about, there's an illustration below..


    Since work is done on a plane parallel to its vector of motion, very little force that would cause an explosion would be exerted on the vehicles.

    In a quick example, a vehicle dropped falls at 9.81 meters per second. For our purposes, the vehicle is 200kg. At the end of 10 seconds, your wraith has traveled 5000 meters. Taking into account the following forumla:

    Force = Mass x Acceleration x Distance x Sin of the Angle
    Force = 200 x 9.81 x 5000 x Sin 90
    In this case, the car is hitting the ground directly without any intervention.
    The force in this case equals about 882,900,000 Newtons. This is why people die when they stand underneath cars.

    However, notice the results when we change Sin 90 to an angle such a Sin 5.

    Force = 200 x 9.81 x 5000 x Sin 5
    Force = 49,050,000 Newtons

    In other words, by merely changing the way that the car is introduced to the ground, you can drastically reduce the force (by about 800 million newtons or so) and make it come to a gradual stop.

    Keep in mind that none of these are actual numbers (except for gravity). The game's physics may work differently compared to our defined physics, but keep in mind that bungie did base the physics in the game around real world physics. The distance is probably much smaller, and the car is probably around 50 kg or so.

    THE SPEC1NAT0R Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow math! A little much for me plus I would have to learn game physics. Any way my problem is still landing a vehicle in an area at any angle. I know it will survive if it lands staight up. The warthog mostly lands that way but the banshee and expesially the chopper with a huge wieght in the front that throughs it off. I think I might go with shield door just because they seem easyer.
    a small moldel of what I made
    I know it is hard to understand but this is what I made.
    KEY: . empty space
    /==== slanted ramp
    W the vehicles
    -- pallets
    LLLl weapon falling area (works fine)
    This is for those who are confused on my switch, I hope it did not confuse you more. Anyway I just need help with making them fall correctly or make a way to land them.

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