I began work on what will be my first published map from reach the other night. Land Bridge is the current name (I've done a search and didn't see any maps named that. Let me know if you know of another map named "land bridge"). I'm not quite sure what to think of it. Its more or less an experiment with the many things you can do with the new forge. Hopefully with a little advice I can take out (or not add what I have planned) based upon some suggestions. I have forged this map with invasion, KoTH, and maybe conquest (...it breaks some rules though) in mind. However I see no reason it cannot be a slayer or CTF map as well. Anyway here's what I got. Overview: The land bridge: Attackers base is in the background and the underwater tower is in the foreground right, Defense sub base foreground left. Note the underwater walkways. An objective point is under the sniper perches in the middle of the land bridge. Another would be off to the left off screen. Further back along the coast to Defense base: The long ramp in the background is the way to the defense sniper outlook. Its too high and far away to have any advantage with regular weapons, sniper spawns there with no spare clips. Makes a good watch point for people using the underwater walkways. Foreground, is the two room sub base, which holds another objective point. There is also an objective point between the long ramp and the two room base by the pile of rocks. From what will be inside the defense base: The last objective is in the tide pools. There is also a rock ramp I added that takes you to a vantage point that spans above the cave entrance and the two room base and has a good outlook of the rook pile objective I talked about. There is, again, a sniper riffle with no extra clips. And a hidden set of rockets that you'll never find and ,likely, were you to find them you would fall to your death attempting to get them. And so on... That's about all that completed now, much more to do on it. Any suggestions... The parts I like the least is the high vantage point of the sniper look out and the underwater walkways... Of course both things almost cancel each other out so I don't know. My main idea was took keep the fight around the land bridge and not have it extend all the way along the shore what do you think would be better a fight for control of the land bridge or a fight for control of various points along the shore + the land bridge?
Besides the lack of cover (water≠cover), I'm just curious to know how long it takes to walk from the attackers base to the defenders base.
No worries about cover, I've only been working on this map for a day all you see here is the basic layout. Cover will come later. As for the time... < 1min... but there will be vehicles.