I think every one who goes into lakes should read this.... A 9-year-old boy died from a parasitic infection he may have caught by swimming in a lake, the Los Angeles Times reported Wednesday. Authorities in Riverside County, Calif., have warned other swimmers about the potential risk of contracting the deadly Naegleria fowleria amoeba from the water of Lake Elsinore. Though officials have not determined exactly where the victim came in contact with the waterborne parasite, Lake Elsinore fits the profile for the Naegleria breeding ground. The parasite lives in warm freshwater lakes, as well as hot springs, rivers and poorly chlorinated swimming pools, according to the CDC's Web site. The deadly parasite infects humans by entering the body through the nostrils. The amoeba then travels to the brain and infects the brain and spinal cord tissue, most often resulting in death. To minimize your risk of contracting the rare infection, the CDC advises avoiding swimming in warm freshwater and using protective nose clips while swimming and diving. Public health officials in Riverside have issued a public warning despite the low risk of infection. "Because [the parasite] is fatal, we wanted to get this information out to the public," public health officer Dr. Eric Frykman told the Los Angeles Times. 2008 AOL LLC. All Rights Reserved. 2008-08-06 12:27:20
Umm wow ... I feel for the 9 year old's family at this time and i'm pretty scared of swimming pools now 0.o