Lake Dead Created by David White Supported Gametypes: Infection - River Dwellers Lake Dead, not that good a name but it describes the map well, sort of. I wanted to take a break from the DLC maps, I've had fun with interlocking, merging and instant respawn immovable objects etc. So, back to Valhalla! Lake Dead takes place at the lake and around the base. The Water Dwellers (zombies) start out of the map, on the platform. There is a small gap between the platform and the lake bed. Its within a small jump but it is possible to fall down in to the lake and die. As a Water Dweller you have 2x Overshields but you damage resistance has been lowered to 50%. The overshield is just to make you shiny, you are a creature from the water after all. So your goal as a Water Dweller is to get out of the lake, on to the land and attack the humans. Why? Um... because you're a Water Dweller and you've spent your whole life living in water? Will that do, no? Or perhaps you are a human. For some reason you've totally forgotten how to pick up weapons, you superiors have sent weapons and vehicles, you just not able to use them! You can only use your shotgun and magnum. The Water Dwellers can dive out of it and attack you on land but you can't go in to the water to attack them (because of the barrier). Of course, as a human, you have the entire map to hide in. You can get away from the fishmen who can't jump very high... can't you? Sort of, but the Water Dwellers have worked out how to use your vehicles! Lake Dead has 2 mongooses which will spawn after 20 seconds. Also, every 20 seconds your superiors will try to send you a new one. The problem is, they didn't package it too well. It will hit the ground and explode. That sucks - but you couldn't drive it any way. --- OK, enough on gameplay. Lets get on to the map its self. The first thing you'll probably notice is the use of the currents. Debris and boxes will spawn at the shore and float towards the zombie platform. Zombies can stand on them or use them as cover. I found them useful when under the water, because everything turns blue, to tell me which direction I was heading. You'll also notice you're not confined to the lake area. You can go where ever you like. However, the man cannons have teleporters on them which will send you back to the shore. Use this to your advantage when surrounded by zombies. _________________________________________________ Over view These barricades are permanent, other items in the water are not Zombies: Spawn Here Mai ROFL-GOOSe goez B00m You've been provided with weapons, you just can't use them _________________________________________________ Download Lake Dead - Map Download Water Dwellers- Gametype
Disagree, harsh i know but i think this map looks nasty but it does probably play well if your into infection and dark and creepy things.
Me and a couple buddies made a map like this. This is outside of vahalla right? Good Job and this is extremely super to play.
Looks like fun but im not into infection maps like this i like more complicated to get killed infection maps =] Good job though!