My first attempt at a legitimate forged map. Some pieces are placeholders for a more well placed object. Any feedback would be appreciated. Its my first competitive map that I've designed, I So far this map is quite a large map, depending on the feedback/comments I will probably resize it around the island area. Its designed for symmetrical Objective based game types, as well as neutral objective games. Overview from red base Neutral rocket spawn Blue base, rear Red base, vehicle port Red base, rear Blue base, Vehicle port Weapons: Red base 2x Assault Rifle 30/2 2x Magnum 30/2 2x DMR 45/2 1x Shotgun 120/1 4x Frag grenade 15 2x Plasma pistol 30 1x Needle Rifle 45/2 Blue base 2x Assault Rifle 30/2 2x Magnum 30/2 2x DMR 45/2 1x Shotgun 120/1 4x Frag Grenade 15 2x Plasma pistol 1x Needle Rifle 45/2 Neutral weapons 2x Plasma Rifle 30 2x Spiker 30 2x Needler 60/2 1x Plasma Repeater 60 1x Rocket Launcher 180/1 1x Spartan Laser 180 1x Plasma Launcher 180 Vehicles 2x Falcon 180 spawn 2x Standard Warthog 100 spawn 6x Mongoose 45 spawn 2x Revanant 120 spawn
Welcome to forgehub! However your thread is not up to standards! Rules you have broken: 1.You must have at least one screenshot or video of your map Help to post 'em here! 2. you must have a 500 description that describes your map! if you dont fix this within twenty-four (24) hours the thread will be locked by the moderators! Hope you fix it!
Ok i see many problems with this map TBH. this map is way to big to stay controlled, as it will be completely vehicle based, which many people do not like. There are many spots that are hard to find. BTW, this is how i started forging, and i never got far from this. It is easy to get trapped in your base by the enemy vehicles, and a complete misuse/overkill of power weapons. Don't get me wrong, i can tell your a good forger and you will make good maps in the future, this just isn't one of those maps.
This map is almost made of all pre-made buildings, people around here don't like that too much. No offense.