I was playing the "RISK BOARDGAME" with a coulple of friends. (about 8) While we were playing some of the pieces dissappeared and created random holes in continents. It was not doing it before and it is the same map as before. (no place at start no issue's) I was just thinking it was some one with a bad connection, but no one was lagging. Next I was playtesting a different map with some friends system linking (6 people) I hoped there would be no lag but there was more than online. The light orbs only 2 of 4 appeared. One FX would not turn on. My anti-spawnkilling (3 second invincibility on spawn) was staying on for everyone but the host. I thought system link would have very little lag or was this just a fluk. (the map had lots interlocking and some geomerging plus it hit the item limit) do not comment on things but lag I checked everything else.