Warning: This map bends time. Lag box is a small symetrical map made for 2v2 and 3v3 (4v4 streches it). There is no set gametype. You just play with standard game rules (team slayer ...) Lag Box is centered around a box located in the center. When you get close or look at it you begin to lag! The lag is made by interlocking like 30 stone platforms with 40 boxes in the ground. When you battle around the box it makes some interesting things happen. Your controls get sticky and snipers lose their shot. Weapons: Sniper x2 Shotgun x2 Battle Rifle x2 Covenate Carbine x2 SMG x4 Rocket Launcher x1 (may be hard to pick up) Frag grenade x6 Plasma Grenade x6 Fire grenade x2 Now for some map pictures: Side view top view far view The Lag Box where there is the RPG and fire grenade. Sniper slit behind sniper slit with sniper and frags some cool looking barrier behind is carbine and plasma grenade. BR with frag grenade (opposite of the last pic) SMG's and plasma grenades. (infront of sniper in the middle) walls with shotgun that grenades go under. (on both sides of the lag box) Well there you have it. I interlocked the heck out of everything. Map Download: http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=74148762 There is no gametype just use premade ones. Have fun and rate! Sorry the teleporter is incase the game goes crazy and people spawn down below
While this seems like a horrible map to play seriously on, I love that you did this and I think the concept is hilarious. What's the teleporter for?
Ah i love these maps, i made one a while back in foundry but it failed... I like the concept like keyes said but you should make the map bigger. I seems way too small for this and it is just bad looking. Try making a bigger floor for the maps and add something like bases, not just random structures. And Keyes he says what the teleporter is for... it is if they spawn below. (which you should try to fix)
hmm, interesting concept, it would be kinda fun to see, but not enough that i would want to download it. I like the originality in the idea though, but the map isnt very good
This map should not have been posted in the competitive section. The idea of purposefully creating lag in-game would be an idea that belongs in a casual map.
sorry but terrible idea you wont be able to play around the center piece cause of lag and thats where most of the cover is and noone enjoys lag and also is mostly flat and not very many different ways to get somewhere
Wow, a fun side to lag. Sounds like a laugh, but the map you built it around seems very small. What inspired you to do this?
I would rename it because it is not really a box. I like the idea but I don't see how it causes a lag. I'll dl and rate later. Keep forging.
LAG the concept that all halo 3 players evey where hate, so why would you intentionally create lag?. it seem unholy. but i have to admit very vreative but still awful
How is this bad? He has used his creativity to create something new. It uses lag to make it funny. This way however much lag there is, it always is meant to be there, and noone can blame lag for their own poor skill. Bravo Although, as has been said before, enlarging the map would be appreciated.
5/5 i love the idea!!! ypou make really fun maps, like that elephant sky battle.. the would be just plain fun to play on...deserves feature, well bot really but ok.