lacuna A small opening; a small pit or depression; a small blank space; a gap or vacancy; a hiatus. An absent part, especially in a book or other piece of writing, often referring to an ancient manuscript or similar. i have no story or reason for Lacuna. hence its name. it just is. it doesn't make a lot of sense, in terms of the game world! it was made for the Throwdown competition but i didn't finish in time. and i didn't want to waste it, so here it is. i don't generally like slayer, i find it repetitive, but trying to map for it is quite fun. i intended the map to be for 2v2 slayer. but it is a little bigger than i originally wanted so i have allowed for up to 4v4 (in terms of starting spawns) the map is biased towards the higher ground. i wanted players to try and stake a claim - to hold the position. There are no power weapons up there, but what weapons are there, respawn quicker. to combat this, the sniper spawns closer to the other side of the map. but they are still fair game. the map supports: one flag, one bomb assault, slayer, team slayer, oddball, KOTH, headhunter. the map contains: 3 x medpacks 1 x Sniper 1 x Rocket 1 x Shotgun 4 x DMR 4 x magnum 4 x AR 1 x Needler some grenades. the map is built as high as possible. i am probably just a little bit rubbish but i have noticed that jet packers kill me a lot, so there isnt great clearence in this map. you will hit the maps invisible ceiling if you go too high! there is a bit of leeway, but it keeps things in closer quarters. video flythrough: YouTube - Lacuna Screenshots: thats about it, hope you enjoy. thanks for looking.