Ok, from what i can see from the one screen shot. It look's pretty cool. But more screen shot's would help alot of people get a feel for the map, before DL. Another thing that might help is list the weapons it has, if any.
You need to put a bit more screenshots to get the feel of the map, it's not very original though. Very similar to whats been done dozens of times before. I don't honestly see this getting many downloads, unless you can prove some originality. By the way, it looks incredibly easy to escape the map.
Escaping the map is as simple as a quick grenade jump to get on top of the double boxes, and the tops of the boxes are within lunge-range of the sword. The whole thing looks a tad sloppy, everything is crooked. The map is also not particularly original in any way, there isn't any creativity or innovation to be found. I would suggest making a V2 version of the map that is inescapable, and possibly incorporates some kind of extra game-play device. Also, V2 should straighten all of the blocks and things for a more professional look. This is a nice start, keep working on it.
There are no grenades although I shall take away the barricade that let's you up there, I'll add more screenshots too I'll try and make it harder