
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Jak Cryton, Nov 30, 2010.

  1. Jak Cryton

    Jak Cryton Forerunner

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    Used by scientists for psychological experiments, participants found the only way to survive: thru blood & bullets.
    Labyrinth is the first map I have ever created using Forge. I was completely unfamiliar with Forge (probably being I barely played H3) until Halo Reach. Since Reach's release most of my game time has been spent in Forge. I love it, albeit minor frustrations now and again.

    Labyrinth was meant to be a multi-level maze, and in effect is, but went through a lot of changes when I learned Forge had piece limits, then running out of budget, and then discovering a dreaded object limit.

    It took roughly a month/half to complete, minus some recent tweaks in weapons/spawns/etc.

    The reason I bring this all up is that being it is my first creation, despite its flaws, its my "baby" lol and I hope that over time while I play around in Forge I learn how to develop better maps and that it shows.

    Labyrinth is definitely a BTB map. At times, even with 12 people, it can be a short bit before running into opponents. Game testing with 12+ has been positive so far. The only real complaints have been the lack of finding an enemy fast and/or getting lost. While I understand how that can at times be frustrating, I hold to the fact that the map itself was designed to be as the name implies; a maze. I believe that once actually learning the map this issue becomes null.

    This is an outer view of Labyrinth. This is where Red/Blue team spawns. Essentially the entire first two levels are split in half. When initially spawning each team can see one another. The teams then proceed down the tunnel which feeds them into the maze.

    The first floor has 3 pathways on each side to the 2nd floor while the floor itself connects in the back.

    The 2nd floor has 2 connections between left/right sides, and multiple pathways to the 3rd floor on each side while the 3rd and essentially 4th floor are more open and interconnected.


    I have roughly two of most every minor weapon in the game, although I believe there are 3 DMRs.

    There are 2 sniper rifles and shotguns. 1 each of ESword, GHammer, RLauncher, GLauncher, and Concussion Rifle.

    Most power weapons are located in the upper 2 levels of the map.

    As said above most play testing has been positive, and those who were at first frustrated about getting lost had more fun once more people joined into the games and they began to learn the layout.


    Any and all feedback (as long as constructive if negative) is welcomed! Actually, reading the Feedback Analysis section of these forums played a big part in final editing on all 3 of the maps I have created.

    This map, along with my other two, was submitted into Forgetacular. While I am unsure if that means I won't be doing much further editing on said maps, I would like to use the feedback to learn how to better develop future creations.


    I have some videos as well but am unfamiliar how to actually post them yet. I am assuming I may need to DL the file and upload to Youtube or a similar site and then link from there.

    Thank you everyone for your time! I hope I posted everything accurately. This is my first post to these forums. Thanks again!

    #1 Jak Cryton, Nov 30, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2010

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