New map I made for slayer and such. I ran out of money late into building so weapons and scenery are scant. Here's some screens.
Ran out of money?!? Dang! Weapons shouldnt be a problem with slayer pro but im going to download and check it out man looks sweet **EDIT** pretty cool map man and i think it would be awesome for ctf, bomb, swat, and slayer pro....i thought the sniper spot was pretty cool but if you go too far back it says your going out of bounds and you might wanna stop people from goin that far back...that is if you have the money to ha
Looks interesting and very well done. i'll give it a try. that pic in the tunnels where the grenade launcher is looks really cool =)
I think I can see where your money went - those last couple of screenshots are impressive in using lots of small pieces to achieve a very different, polished look. I'll definitely give this a DL.
Framerate must suck if you ran out of money. Is every single rock surrounding the map mandatory to gameplay? You could get more money off of that. Definate DL.
Thanks for the feedback guys! if you notice any broken spawns or objectives let me know (I know that lift can kill you if you go through it just right). Also the frame rate is a little choppy in the load out screen but it quickly goes away, and since I changed a few things in the tunnel it seems to have gone away entirely.