Labrynth is an infection map made by TEMPEST 3 4 You have to options at the start: you can either go into the central maze, or you can take the teleporter onto the raised platfrom at the back of the map. The only weapons are sniper rifles at the human spawn point. Zombie spawn has active camo. EDIT: I made this map a while ago and decided to put it up here i didn't steal it! when i get a new halo i will see about makin some changes and putting up a game type. download here: Labrynth overview overview from different angle raised platform
There have been a lot of infection maps like this over the ages. Many actually share the same name. I would suggest that you spell labyrinth correctly if you keep it though. Very basic geometry. I would suggest that you add something to make this stand out from the other million infection maps. Just some helpful advice from the Jellymeister.
This one is definitely better than lockdown. One of the better labrynth maps I've seen here. The only things I could suggest is to make sure MAKE SURE those walls are straight. I can't see if they are from the pics alone, but when that much of your map is taken up by walled corridors, you want them to look nice. Also, i would suggest having a gametype with this kind of map. It would be nice for you to make a zombie gametype with high gravity so you cant get out by double jumping. Slayer would also have issues because if you got hit by a grenade while jumping, you could bounce out. So add a gametype. EDIT: By the way, thankyou for posting your map correctly. Most people come on here and waste all of our time by posting a link with no pictures or description their first time. I'll give you plus rep for that gud sir.
rofl the jellmiester see one peasant hunt map youve seen them all do something different, something astheticly pleasing......
You will probably get a lot of comments telling you this isn't original by the way because there are so many of these maps here on forgehub. Don't worry, you're new, most of us won't hold it against you. EDIT: WTF is wrong with that guy.
come up with a new maze, maybe on a different map. i would love to see a well made maze on a map like standoff, or even cold storage. try to make your map stand out to, give it colors and shapes that are rare and difficult
Sloppy, unoriginal, not interesting, no DL. Maybe think about making a map that has a competitive structure, or a casual infection map. As for this, I hardly believe that this map is going to have a satisfying amount of replayability.
Commander summed up my feelings in maybe a less contructuve way than I would have. You really should consider adding something to make this map stand out from all the other maze maps. Perhaps adding more levels or adding some interesting switches or timed effects.