La Tour

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Haut Medoc, Oct 29, 2010.

  1. Haut Medoc

    Haut Medoc Forerunner

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    Game Type

    Archers and Trebuchets pound the walls as the Warriors move down the beach pushing the battering ram to the main gate, it will fall.

    The main gate breached the walls scaled, skirmishers thrown in from catapults on the beach and the warriors fighting their way up through the broken gate lead by the knights on horseback.

    The wall towers are taken and the defenders retreat to the keep, their last bastion of defence to protect the princess.

    The fight rages on, steel on steel and the sky black with arrows in flight.

    The throne room is compromised the defenders know their war is lost; the princess is dragged out while arrows stream and mortars are thrown, she doesn’t scream or kick, she knows her fate.

    That was the remit, recreate a castle, looks and gameplay equally balanced, with authentic classes for each round and a storm the castle feel.


    So its been tested and it “functions” it now needs balancing.

    Front view with gate explosion
    castle is entirely symmetrical inside the walls


    The Beach
    attackers spawn here, with 2 trebuchets, 2 sniper rifles and lots of cover, work as a team to plant the bomb at the main gate.
    in the second round man cannons spawn to launch attackers to the walls.


    2 fixed wraiths can bombard the walls and are almost invulnerable, but be aware you cant plant the bomb sat at the back.


    The Main Gate
    2 turrets provide extra fire power but their power is limited and they are exposed to wraith,dmr and sniper fire. the gate has murder holes to protect defenders as they drop nades and exploding barrels on the attackers shields (not that the barrels go through bubble shields but you only get two so use them wisely!


    Tower base
    Each corner has a tower with a spiral staircase


    Front Walkways
    the front two towers and gate houses have additional walkway systems take a look now as when your on them the are initially disorientating.


    The Keep Front


    The Keep Side


    The Keep 2nd level - The Top


    The Keep 1st level - The Gallery


    The Keep ground level -The Throne Room
    The princess is sat on the throne in here!


    the class types for this map are very specific as they are recreated medieval types.

    lets have some feedback guys, we will be playing this on halo-ween
    #1 Haut Medoc, Oct 29, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2010
  2. mati1501

    mati1501 Forerunner

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    Very good. A little small for invasion in my opinion but I try it out.
  3. eating lunch

    eating lunch Forerunner

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    Ok, at first when I saw the title of this, I thought a castle map in Halo wouldn't be that great, but more of just a novelty type of thing, kind of like distortion maps, mazes, puzzle maps, and so on. Fun in their unique ways, but not as much fun as traditionally oriented maps designed for more common kinds of Halo games.

    I was wrong lol.

    I think you have done an excellent job of creating a castle map!

    The idea with the Wraiths is a very cool addition to your map. I would have done the same thing probably, although I may have given the defenders in the castle wraiths or some sort of trebuchet type weapon as well rather than Shade turrets. But thats just a minor tiny thing anyway.

    I really think your design of the castle is excellent for both looks and gameplay. It balances both very well, although I haven't played it, yet at least...

    You should enter this as an Invasion map, obviously, into Bungie's contest.

    I'm doubtful they would select something so different from traditional Halo as a map to be put into matchmaking, but you never know... they sure had some odd stuff in the Action Sack play list in Halo 3 lol.

    Does the core spawn at the throne inside the castle? And once the attackers have taken the territory at the gate, do they then have to take a territory at either of the two towers closest to them? Are there any air vehicles in this map? What are the loadouts for your gametype also, for each phase?
  4. Haut Medoc

    Haut Medoc Forerunner

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    core is on the throne


    Phase 1

    Name: Warrior
    Loadout: Energy sword
    AA: Drop Shield


    Phase 2

    Name: Gladiator
    Loadout: AR, Energy sword
    AA: Armor lock


    Phase 3

    Name: Eagle
    Loadout: DMR, Energy sword
    AA: Jetpack

    Name: Guard
    Loadout:DMR, Energy Sword
    AA:Drop Shield

    Name: Grenadier
    Loadout:Energy Sword, Magnum
    AA: armorlock
    Nades: 4F

    Defenders (Elites)

    fill these in later

    Edited by merge:

    Changes after extensive playtesting:

    The towers have all been colour coded and the throne room too. 5 different colours
    The bomb plant moved forward off the door to stop people camping the bomb plant from inside.
    Focus rifle removed from 3rd wave classes
    flickering removed
    kill zone added to first wave to stop defenders leaping the walls disappears in the second wave properly now
    Safe re spawn added for both teams and spawn systems simplified
    murder holes cover raiseda
    fusion coil spawn times balanced
    core stolen sounds enabled
    grenades added to certain classes, but restricted for balance.
    grenadier class added to final wave for attackers.

    Plays well great feedback, from the lads

    I personally consider this complete, played well.

    if people do play it can i have some feedback


    #4 Haut Medoc, Nov 2, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2010
  5. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow this looks amazing. Honestly, I really want to give this a go. Gonna download and try and get a game on this. Ill come back with feedback. If I don't in 2 weeks its because I have forgotten, so if I do forget just message me.

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