Hello again every one, this is an old map I made. Its original plan was to be for infection but I never felt like testing the map. I knew that some people would of have loved this map so I decided to go on and post it. Watch video below. And please comment. I’ve been annoyed that no one comments. I need feedback guys. I did not intend to copy or remake anything in this map nor the name, as I am aware that some1 makes a L4D series. YouTube - A Halo Reach Map- L4D Survive
Nice map, although the whole "town idea" type map with a church and stuff is not that original, You did a pretty good job. The broken open doors is a nice touch. At the begining of your video you map looks way to small until you reveal the rest. But a few thing could be improved. First of all a storyline to go along with you infection map couldn't hurt. Second, I think that the giant disk in the middle of the map is random and disrupts gameplay. If you have enough budget left then I think you should consider adding a few smaller buildings in replace of the disk. Third in your video I would like to see what the infection spawn is like. The bars into the water tunnel are a nice effect. And a FX wouldn't hurt. Just trying to help Good map.
Dude this map is sick in the awesome and zombie kinda way. I like the fact that you start in a holding area type location and have to go through the sewers to get to the main city. I also like the end of the sewer that you can't access (but still looks visually pleasing despite that you can't reach it) which forces you to double back to the broken wall. Also think the city look good my favorite builiding is the Stunt Ramp one because of the cool look it has. Overall great job. Only revision would be to make the inside of all the buildings more playable but still cool.
Thanks. Yeh I wish I was able to make more explorable buildings but the budget got to like none. The giant disk was only placed to put more cover on the map. The map works for infection, but i never tested it.