L4D No Hope P1-Sewers

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Rifte, Aug 13, 2009.

  1. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    16 players

    Creator: rifte gifle

    Sewers is the first installment of a 3 or 4 part campaign currently in progress by myself, mike 286 and F3AR F1SH. This one was made just by me though.

    You are one of the few survivors after a deadly virus was airborne. A common disease was first brought to space for research purposes, but came back in a deadly form. You and those few have a natural resistance to it. Those who are not as lucky, have either perished or been infected. The infection releases a part of the human's primal instinct in the brain and they will stop at nothing to consume those who are living. Though you are resistant to the virus, the infected are still able to eat you alive, and tear your body into shreds. There is an old military outpost not too far from the sewers you are currently trapped in. If you can get there alive, you may be able to call for evac. It's a long shot, but it's the only one you've got. Staying in the sewers with no food, and limited ammunition is a death sentence. Right now, getting to help alive is your only priority.

    Although stronger than the infected, you are still very vulnerable to death. You can take some good clean hits before you die, but it will still be a challenge.


    Normal infected

    Although fast and deadly, in won't take much to finish them off. But when they charge en masse, start praying.


    Fast and strong, we have no idea how this creature came to be. We know it was mutated by the virus. On your own, you'll most likely die trying to kill whatever the hell it is. But combine fire, and you'll pull through.



    x3 Oversheilds
    200% Damage Resistance
    Shields do not recharge
    90% Damage
    Normal Speed
    200% Player Gravity
    No Sensors


    No Shields
    125% Damage Resistance
    75% Damage
    150% Player Speed
    200% Player Gravity
    Headshots turned off

    Custom Power up

    90 Second Duration
    500% Damage Resistance
    No Shields
    200% Damage Modifier
    125% Player Speed
    150% Player Gravity
    Headshots turned off

    Survivor Instructions

    You start in the sewers. Make your way through until you exit into the city. Simple right?
    Once in the city, you'll notice that it's fairly narrow and cramped. The infected are hiding on the rooftops, and in the shadows. Keep going until you hit a dead end.
    At this dead end, you will notice that there are 2 buildings each blocked. The bigger one is the only way to get to the military outpost. When the game starts, you must wait for 2 minutes until a grav lift spawns. Use it to open the smaller building. Inside is a warthog. Use that to get through the barricaded doors of the bigger building. There is no way to cheat around this, you MUST do it like this. This is much like a crescendo event. You have to stay there and wait, and the infected are literally coming from all directions.
    When there is a big enough entrance, get inside.
    You'll find a rocket launcher in the building. There's also an open hole in the corner of the roof for infected to come through. Get out through an opening in the wall. That will lead you to an alley.
    You're almost there. But you soon realize that way is blocked by a wall. Go up the ramp and you'll pick up an overshield. That will activate a switch that will make a radio antenna fall to the streets and act like a bridge.
    eThere's a flamethrower straight ahead when you jump down. It's recommended that at least 1 person use it. Now all you have to do is survive the rest of the time. Get to the outpost a short walk away, and restock. The outpost is your best chance. The position it's in makes it easy to defend, and the ammo restocks quickly. If you've survived the full 5 minutes and have arrived at the outpost, you've beat part 1 of the campaign.
    This map and gametype are better enjoyed when you follow the objective. Although you would probably die just camping in the beggining, it's more fun to just follow what you're supposed to do.

    Infection Instructions

    Kill all of the survivors. Yep. For easy travel throughout the city, you will use teleporters. Here is a map for where they lead to. Blue=sender red=receiver.
    Gameplay Video
    YouTube - Halo 3-Left4Dead No Hope Part 1-Sewers(Gameplay)
    Player is F3AR F1SH



    • Don't go out by yourself. Always stay in a group so you can watch each others backs. The infected's biggest weapon is their stealth and ability to jump from rooftops.
    • Combine fire againts the tank. It can eat away at your shields very quickly and you're never getting them back.
    • Always check around corners, do not rush it.


    • Use the rooftops and hidden teleporters to your advantage. The humans do not have radar, and will never see an assassination coming.
    • Do not go charging a clump by yourself. Retaliate your forces an charge in at one time.
    • When you finally get the tank, don't charge in by yourself. The humans combined fire can easily kill you. Wait for all the infected to mass and then charge for the best effect.
    • GO FOR THE ASSASSINATION!!! Don't be afraid, if you see a chance, take it!

    If you're a fan on Manifest, then you'll be no stranger to this. This map was greatly influenced by Manifest and Left 4 Dead, but I've edited it to my preference. The one thing that is the same, is to just follow what you're supposed to do, and imagine like this is really a campaign. Don't ruin it by glitching or using the grav lift to get into the zombie spawn or anything, just play the map as it should be played. Oh, and if you're infected, don't use the overshield switch. The overall map too me maybe a bit over 16 hours since I was working on it by myself, but it turned out really well. This wasn't supposed to be a 4 part campaign. But my friend, mike 286 had started on a really great finale and we've got some ideas for the other parts, so we decided to turn it into a full campaign, much like the original Left4Dead game. Hope you guys enjoys this, and keep an eye out for the next installment. OH, and if you're looking for a challenge, then turn on the gloomy FX.


    -rifte gifle
    -Mike 286
    -F3AR F1SH

    FIN PART 1


    #1 Rifte, Aug 13, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2009
  2. 1Z4N0 SL4Y3R

    1Z4N0 SL4Y3R Ancient
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    Hey, yet another great and creative map! I'm download all of your maps, by the way, because they all seem really fun. The custom powerup represents the Hunter? Or what? Any way, you've got a DL from me.
  3. O Blarg 0

    O Blarg 0 Ancient
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    Only problem I see is the custom powerup zombie still has no shields, so a sniper, br, magnum is still one shot to the head. Not much of a difrence, and not that hard to kill. Still looks like a nice map. Also, how many hits does it take to kill a human?
  4. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    Headshots disabled. Forgot to mention that(oops)
  5. TrustierToaster

    TrustierToaster Ancient
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    I'm so glad to finally see this up. Seriously, this map is a work of art. Aesthetic wise, it's great. You've geomerged mostly everything to make stuff even with the walls, and the switches and crescendo events are amazing. The gameplay was very fun and addicting, a lot like Manifest was. There were some things I like about it better than I did about this, but there are things here that I like more than Manifest. Awesome job dude, seriously. When's the next installment coming out?
  6. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
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    Nicely done! Not only is it decently crafted, but also it looks incredibly fun! I'll give the concept of it a 9/10, the design an 8/10, and the crafting of it a 7.5/10. Overall I'll give this a 9/10 infection score because I have to include the fun factor.
  7. SpamRabbit

    SpamRabbit Ancient
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    Mediocre crafting? No way dude, as the humans, you only see the aesthetics that are meant to be shown. You are most likely only looking at the overview.

    Okay, review time.

    Testing this map with you guys was really fun even though you kept ending the game to change something all the time lol. I had some problems with it, but they quickly dissapeared when we played the final version of it. I thought that the sewers were unique, especially using the tin cups as bars. I already saw the video, and that's not the final version is it? TI remember being able to jump behing the humans at the warthog from the infection spawn...

    Gameplay:4/5. not bad, especially with the changes you made, but doesn't give that L4D feel sorry.

    Aesthetics:4.8/5. The military outpost was a bit bland, but everything else on the map is perfect.

    Replayability:4/5. Is Manifest fun? Yes. Was this fun? YES

    Worth a dl definetly, I like how the story starts off too.
    #7 SpamRabbit, Aug 13, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2009
  8. F3AR F1SH

    F3AR F1SH Ancient
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    great map. cant wait to work on the rest of the campaign lets hope the rest are as good as this one, it was a blast to test.
  9. Anndras

    Anndras Ancient
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    You lied. DX

    But awesome map.
    I'd DL, But I'll never get a big enough party, or it'll be full of people whho somehow manage to camp the whole game =_=
  10. jakob hunter

    jakob hunter Ancient
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    amazing this is probably my favorite l4d based map and game so far. not just because it has good forging and gameplay but because of how original it is. yes you based it on l4d but the map is completely unique and you even gave it your own cool name. some of the traits in the game remind me of a game i recently posted i think last week due to humans taking more than one hit to kill which i think most all infection should be like as long as the zombies are strong enough to overpower them. on to the map it is beautiful probably one of the best made infection maps out there the geomerging where the sniper is makes it blend into the crypt more and all the unique buildings but what really got my attention was the amazingly designed sewers i loved it a definite dl from me and a 5/5 rating great work. looks better than manifest
  11. Meany

    Meany Ancient
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    Okay so I played this map with about 12 people and I thought it worked pretty good. Defending the grav lift was a bit borign I thought because it was too easy to kill the infected, but they did slowly hit after hit tear through our shields which I thought was good. It made it a challange for the more difficult parts of the map. The overshield switch was great by the way. Actualy it was made of epic win sauce. Too bad the infected can still pick it up though. For the aesthetics, I have nothing bad to really say about them, I thought you did a clean job on them although some parts could have been spiced up a bit more.

    4.5/5 good recreation of left4dead, I'll be keeping my eye out for the next one.
  12. Fire Phoenix117

    Fire Phoenix117 Ancient
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    Ok I played it and tried it and Overall Im not impressed sorry to tell you this but I overall think this needs some fixing.
    -Radio antenna got knocked down so we could advance..
    -Humans can camp in the sewer so it gets very boring.
    -No radar, so most of the team got massacared while waiting for the grav.
    -Huge concern is that you can cheat the map we had someone get in the zombie spawn that made everyone pissed off. (area Where humans defend for grav lift)

    put something to block the humans from camping at the start.
    let humans have radar 10 mm is recommended
    fix the damaged columns it took almost everyone to hold off so they can break it down.
    Fix radio antenna by probably placing a reciever to keep it still or place something else?
    Dont let humans get to the area where the warthog(rooftop part) is they can cheat from there.

    Thats my only concerns about the map overall though the map is good no problems in interlocking and geomerging. The gameplay is ok not bad or anything just try something different because it was always assassinations over and over you know? I hope to see that you can make these fixes so people can have alot more fun. =)
    Looking forward to part 2.
    #12 Fire Phoenix117, Aug 16, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2009
  13. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    I'm sorry, but are you sure you read my entire post?
  14. Fire Phoenix117

    Fire Phoenix117 Ancient
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    To be honest I read some what of the post but I played the map in advance so dont be troubled by what I read or not I thought it needed some fixing like the radio antenna bothered me because it trapped us in a corner and we got slaughtered. The zombies activated the switch and knocked it down, the messed up part was my friend actually did it himself to seek revenge on the spawn killing the humans did earlier,(will explain how) Anyway the point of the matter is you should probably should fix that because it was a huge problem for humans. Next to this discussion was in the area where the humans must hold out(grav lift). Unfortunely I found out and witnessed they can get where the zombie spawn is. =( These poeple thought that they can get to the roof top of the area where the warthog is. They unfortunely did then somehow got to the zombie spawn from there to the quarter walls. =( The point was that the humans got to spawn kill and it wasnt cool and it actually pissed me off and ruined the game in advance because this one Ahole was being arrogant.
    I think you should probably tend to this matter because it just ruins gameplay and I would really apreciate it if you would indeed do so. Overall I played it and had some fun on it when no one wanted to be an ass. ( just trying to help not trying to be a ass or nothing just giving some advice thats all) =)
    #14 Fire Phoenix117, Aug 16, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2009
  15. Zombiedude101z

    Zombiedude101z Ancient
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    Map looks ok
    And the pic reminds me of zoey and louis.
    So dont infract me.
    #15 Zombiedude101z, Aug 18, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2009

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