Well I could not think of anything else to put in a signature so I made another with L. CnC is welcome, I am ready to make more versions Photoshop is at my fingertips. Hope you likey.
I think it looks a little bright but I think it was meant to be that way. Either way it looks great. Well its better than mine... anyway I would just like to say you posted in my thread a while back that you would use different filters...I asked you what you would suggest and you didn't reply....not advertising
I will go back and reply sorry I was busy spamming my ass off and I had my head in photo shop. BACK ON TOPIC as of this post..
could you make a tut for this, cuz it looks really good, great job imo, way better than your last one.
Tutorial? I would be honoured... But... I... Hmm... I don't know if I can... pull it off... I will think on it, because the last time I made a tutorial it was when I was on a design community forum... Hmm atleast 7 months ago... Alright I will think about the tutorial because it might take a bit of time. *EDIT* Only 4 posts? How sad..