I made this in about... 1 hour I was under no pressure therefore it looks PWEDDY . V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 I like this one, L is my favourite character in Deathnote and I am not going to say his name since some people might not be that far in the manga/anime. CnC Please, and be as hard as you want because I am ready to make a V2 if needed.
The only part I dont like is how L goes under the C4D and you can see it. Get rid of that and it will ****in sweet!
its really nice, the only thing i think you should change is erase the bit of the c4d that is on his chin
Yeah I was thinking about getting rid of the bit on his chin, I will make a V2 right now, so no L and I will find the layer with the bit on his chin. *EDIT* THANK YOU FUNKY! *EDIT AGAIN* This is my 2nd Anime signature ever, I forgot to add that in, the first Anime sig didn't turn out as good as this one. *EDIT ONCE MORE* I put the V2 up. I am making V3 now. *EDIT I SWEAR LAST TIME* Scratch that no V3, wait unless..Hmm...yes yes that might work... I MIGHT EDIT AGAIN... *EDIT OMFG* V3 is up and V4 and V5 is on the way. *EDIT OMFGOMFGOMFGOMFGOM* V6 is coming too...
Sure, man, just after I make this post give me some details, and I can only use anime or game renders or music renders I am on a family computer so I do not accept pictures with nudity etc. I would if I had my own computer but until then, keep it clean, and instead of posting you can PM me if you want. I am assuming you want a Nirvana one lol. I am very spontaneous with signature making and I do not work well under pressure so expect the signature to be completed at a random time after you submit your request. Also if you would like to see some of my work go to the thread that I posted in the Graphics section dubbed "My Portfolio" the first post includes a plethora of my work I feel proud of, so feel free to look at those before making your decision . Here is my full gallery: googleops - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
I would like a Paul Westerberg sig. If at all possible, please use this image Don't worry, I won't pressure you at all. thanks bro. And if at all possible, use this quote. 'The label wants a hit, and I don't give a ****.'
Hmmm do you think you could find a bigger image of that? If not thats fine but usually if I have a bigger image I can make it smaller after sharpening it to make it look hi-def. I can work with this for sure though. Also, any specifics that you would like to add? About the pressure thing, its the fact that I am making something that is going to someone else that puts the pressure on lol. So I am not that good at school tests, but homework I am fine with, catch my drift? I will have this done soon, I just need to get into the moment. I actually have this laid out in my head already.
I don't think I can get a bigger one. I don't mind a wee bit of distortion. Just use that quote I gave you.
LOL Nice quote, I will be sure to add it, this might be a toughy but I will make it look as good as possible.