You did a very good job, I see alot of really nice small touches that you included. I will check out gameplay to see if it plays as great as it looks. 5/5 for now. P.S. Apparently I am not the only one that curves walls, lol!
Cool map. The gameplay is smooth and the top floor is not overpowered. Also it looks good aesthetically. Unfortantly the Breakers Guild broke your map. Number of Exits: 1 Broken By: idiotninja/GT: Cheesepuffs96 Film Description: Do the head bounce, enhanced with a grenade. Possibility of escape: low
Omg wow, you recieved a warning. Thanks ScarFac3d for your widdle baby review lololol. I am also still lawling at you P.S. Did I ask you or anyone from the Breakers Guild if you can try to break out of my map, NO. I don't care if you did, its just that your post is not proper in my eyes. All you mentioned was that it smooth gameplay then the rest was just about getting out of the map. Besides, what are you going to do when you are out there? I made the weapons inaccessible and the wraith unmovable. Well good day and have fun getting kills when you are outside the map idiotninja.
I am sorry you see what I did this way. I honestly like your map. I hate to play games where people get out and ruin the fun for everyone else. We do not do this to get people mad. When we break out of a map we post how we got out so you can fix it for a future version. This way people will not get out and ruin the game. I realize that you can not get kills out of the map, and that this map will only be played in custom games where you can just boot people who get out, but they still make the experience of playing this map less fun. I hope you accept my sincere apology and I will not break out of any of your future maps.
If people try to get out of the map and ruin the gameplay I think that you should BOOT them. If it is relatively easy to escape the map then your complaints are justified but if it is pretty hard to escape from then I just don't care. If people spend the whole game attempting to get out of the map: BOOT THEM!
Spam, reported. Ok, I accept your apology, I also hate it when people get out maps and just don't do anything. I know you guys are trying to help people by telling them this, but I have a suggestion for your damned group. Send a PM to the person saying that you were able to get out of their map, not in their maps thread where EVERYONE CAN READ IT. To me that is not helping the map and the map creator. If I ever post any future maps, go ahead and try and break out of them, but send me a PM next time, so it doesn't ruin everyone elses gameplay by posting such blasphemy. Once again, good day.
I totally agree with you... When the breakers guild posts on your maps thread it lowers peoples opinion of the map. Everyone, Just PM me and I'll fix it! MAp 1z AWES0mz 5/5 but EscApablz so 0/5 and NO DL =(
I am actually going to try and make it so that the Guild PM's instead, and then asks if we can post in the thread. If not then we will just send the information by PM.