Introduction Kurosaki Tensai, newbie and proud!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Kurosaki Tensai, Apr 1, 2013.

  1. Kurosaki Tensai

    Kurosaki Tensai Promethean

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    Hey there ForgeHub!

    My GT is Kurosaki Tensai (AKA Juju AKA Derp), I'm from Canada (Eh!).

    So I have finally taken a liking for the Forge (wonder why I didn't make maps in H3 and Reach, what was I thinking?).
    I subscribed here to get feedback and friendly players on my map, mainly to meet wonderful people.

    At the moment, I only have a completed map called Rampage v4, which you can find in my fileshare here:!/?section=GameMap&SearchDate=7&SortBy=2&view-select=Tile&startIndex=0&details=85df1f9e-4228-412f-8e43-020191a25bda.This map is inspired by maps like Ascension, Guardian and overall classic small slayer maps. Might consider adding support for Oddball.
    It currently supports Slayer and CTF gametypes, make sure to send me feedback if you play it! I recommend not playing with a party bigger than 10.

    I'm working on a second, larger map on Forge Island which will be aimed at BTB/Snipers/CTF/Exctraction. I would just LOVE to have some experienced forgers help me polish it, as I have the layout laid out (bad pun :3) and am currently trying to finish up the aesthetics, weapons placement, and gametype specific shenanigans.

    I play mostly on weeknights, make sure ton send me a message if you are looking for a nice player!

    I look forward to meeting you guys.

  2. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
    Senior Member

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    Welcome to the forums!

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