This is a great jump map. It's hard and not super long. There is alot of different types of jumps in this map. I will show you down below in my pictures. This game can be played with any gametype with normal gravity and speed. I also made a second map without the radar jump and is alitte bit harder. Or thats what I think. 1st one with the radar jump. 1. Jump inbetween the stairs to get through. [63743862-Full[1] (2][/63743862-Full[1] (2] 2. Gernade and radar jump to get across. 3.Jump down to get back up 4. Turent jump across 5. Wait for the perfect timing 6. Jump on top of the stairs this time 7.These small jumps are harder than you think 8. These jumps are harder this time 9. The final run till the end You win once you're in the portal Map link Have Fun!!!
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just a heads up but there are to many jumping maps on blackout. try maybe an offensive obsticle coursse with a defending team, just for originality.